That's It... The human race is a pitiful spectacle there is no reason for us to continue life. We have been chosen to lead a civil unity and what do show as a result of our action. We steal, rape, kill, lust, inject and consume what is our real purpose, live to wait for death? That's it I say, give me thyn paper and pen, and I'll make this world a sanctuary. Only at the moment of death do the wicked realize they have wronged, to late to make a change. Every news network is of tragic stories and frivolous pursuits the planet is slowly becoming a sphere engulfed in poison. One by one does the infection spread, and so we fail to show a change. The human is a dark, selfish, ignorant being why we are permitted to tread this world, I know not. These **** filled drones we call people they are nothing but vile scum and vermin. We try to drown our pain and hang ups with the illegal luxuries of alchohol and drugs. Don't you realize, the problem only escalates. A handful of us, have wronged and made right because it was the RIGHT thing to be done. If you are one of these people, commend yourself if not, do not bother wondering what's wrong with you. The answer is simple to that question my friend, everything is wrong with you. Wake up.