Thanksgiving is coming up soon. To those who celebrate it, Happy Turkey Day! I'm going to gain 30 lbs probably pigging out.
Thanksgiving is a holiday we don't celebrate here. But it's basically the American alternative to Bombfire Night but on a differnet day and with American Football on almost all day so I was told. Enjoy your turkey XD
I personally don't celebrate thanksgiving because I don't have much of a family to celebrate it with, it's kinda weird having a thanksgiving with 3 people. So me, my mom and my grandpa usually go out to eat, or we order the best pizza on the east coast, from Boston, Santarpio's. It's so delicious
i can't wait till Thanksgiving! this is my FAVORITE holiday, it tops even Christmas (for me, dunno if others feel that way). i love all the food and i make a pretty good Mac & Cheese, and i also make the Stuffing. this year, i'm going to get one of those solid food injectors to inject stuffing into the turkey meat itself, OMG it's going to be so good! also, the day before Thanksgiving is the reunion day for my graduating class at high school. it's the day everyone goes back to that particular High School and just say hi, greet each other, maybe see a few teachers, and just catch up with everyone, it's fun. looking forward to that too.
I love Thanksgiving. I get to eat Turkey that Grandmother makes, and that really good gravy and stuffing. I don't think it's physically possible to gain 30 pounds in one night. But I will gain a few pounds, then run it off during PE 'cause we'll end up running the mile the next day I know it. Well, Happy Stuff Your Selves Day when Thanksgiving comes.
Thanksgiving isn't a huge deal to me. I watch the parade on TV then I'm forced to go to my grammy's house and be with a bunch of relatives I don't know well. That's about it. Other than that, I do try to make it a day to reflect on what I'm thankful for, since I have been greatly blessed in my life so far.
Yea, the parade on Thanksgiving is great. I'm not really a turkey lover, but defiantly looking forward for the holiday.
The reason I like Thanksgiving is because you spend time with your family.But I'm not that big of a fan anymore of Thanksgiving.Just due to something that happened in 2006.We really didn't spend that much as we usually do.To me Thanksgiving is now just some day that we just decided to eat at the same time.
Yea, I can't wait for Thanksgiving- I'm going to the Grand Canyon :] I've never been, so I'm hoping I'll have a blast^^
Oh, I thought it was in September... I don't think we really celebrate thanksgiving in Australia, or at least my family doesn't.
i'm trying to get a solid food injector b4 Thanksgiving, i wna inject stuffing into the turkey meat itself. i never tried it before but it could be really delicious.