I wanted to thank everyone for the help and advice they have given to me. I want to give credit to klaro, shizuo, jayn, misty, connor kenway, janime 6, nights, K3YBL4D3 KHIGHT, below 61, heartless, sandy claws, what, the hero of time, oerba yun fang, zero III, and to all my friend who followed me, especially sora's apprentice. Thank you all for the support. I will always view you as great friends. I love you all. I especially want to thank the staff for all the support and hard work they have put into making khv a better place to socialize and to make friends. They have done so much for us. Thank you Misty, Okabe rintarou, Chevailer, DP wolf, Forsaken, Jayn, Plums, Sabby, Stardust, Clawtooth, Ienzo, Kites, Mish, Peace and War, Peyton, Krowley, Mike, and Mixt. We all appreciate the hardwork you put into to making khv a better place to be.
Hey, at least he came close, right? I got thanked as "nights" but I don't care about the capital n. Guess that'll teach you to have a grammatically confusing username. /justjokingdon'thateme