Today I realized something. Spoiler: My day Well, as some of you knows, today is my birthday. I am so happy that I have friends who think of me and wish me a good day; you know, for you guys just come to my profile and write "Happy birthday!" can be something pretty normal because there is always someone who's having a birthday; but for me, the person who received the VMs/e-mails/messages etc is something really important and it makes me feel happy. Today when I arrived in school 7:00AM, I was surprised by a HUGE group of friends glomping me at the same time. :glomp: Then I noticed that my Lexibrag (one of my the three best friend) message me through the cell phone 12:04AM, while I was sleeping. Then Truly (one of my best friends) found me and give me some money as present because he was really busy to buy me something. In the classroom Lexibrag really excited, and then less than a minute everyone knew that today was my birthday. Later on Lunch, Gu ("Evil Twin", my best friend) was excited too. A lot of friends were giving me Happy Birthday and the like. Though it is my birthday, I needed to stay at school this afternoon to do school's work. My cell phone has Happy Birthday Messages from many friends. [/quote] Spoiler: Cell phones messages On everywhere, twitter... Spoiler: twitter Facebook... Spoiler: Facebook Well, if you're lazy, just read this!: What I want to say is, though I am sometimes sad, I am sometimes in a pretty hard situation, I sometimes may cry, may be sad or the like; but I am very grateful to have friends with me. This is just... everything. I am lucky to be born here, to be exactly in that school, have born exactly in that moment, year and day; to have met friends and everyone, like you guys. Even when I'm sad, I'm glad I have you guys to remember me that I am not alone, and you all keep teaching me many things. Well, that's it! This thread is dedicated to ALL my friends, on KHV, on real side, on EVERY-ANY-WHERE. Thank you to each and every of you!~
Thank you Ryan!!! :D Thankies! Hehe, hey, I got some new facebooks and calls, also a little of money from each person. I am rich now. Thank you! My day was perfect! ;D
Happy Birthday! Spoiler [video=youtube;rLhtPbkvTv4][/video] In the words of you..."Woohoo!" XD
Yes, there is... always a light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you, Mish!!!!! Thanks GB! Hehe, WOOOOHOOO!!!!! to us! Best. Birthday. Ever.