No, really, I think it'll do us all a some good. We need to learn to be polite. I just want you to know that when I saw that notification, I hit the ceiling and I bet you I **** my pants so hard, there's a newly blasted hole in the Pacific, and water is rushing to the core of the Earth as I write this.
I was quite thrilled when he mentioned people who sit and refresh over and over until good shit comes up in the spamzone. That's pretty much what I do. I'm like Batman watching over gotham in this bitch.
I thought it was pretty low, myself. Not just the attention grabbing tactic, but what was said. It wasn't necessary and because it wasn't it will only ruffle even more feathers.
I don't think the staff understand that in certain situations, going into staff-mode and putting in their two cents that is actually worth two more cents than the average member's two cents (IN THEIR EYES ONLY) they sometimes turn a sore spot into a slightly open wound. We all did, Vivica. We all did.
Maybe if we flame hard enough posts will actually count. : D Fricking died when I clicked on his notice.
As the older waves reach the newly-cleaned shores, the sands are briefly buffeted by the cold intensity of unfamiliarity which then is able to descend as all waves become of one quality again.