Thank God for Dead soldiers<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by JorrellVsRoxas, Mar 16, 2008.

  1. JorrellVsRoxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 14, 2008

    This is a video about people protesting at funerals of dead troops at their funerals.
    I personally met one of these people at my cousin (who was not a homosexual)
    I debated and made better logic than the person i was debating with BUT THESE PEOPLE DO NOT LISTEN
    The guy i was talking to kept saying "God hates homosexuals, and the reason this homosexual here is dead is because God's wrath"
    I say, "This man here is not a homosexual, he had wife and a son whom he loved VERY MUCH"
    He says,"well since this man here was fighting for a country full of **** he must love them very much to, which makes him a homosexual"
    I say, "your in this country so that makes you a homo sexual"
    he says "NO! i am~~~INTERUPTED~~~"
    I interupted him ," NO.. your gay"
    he finishes and says," thank you for your time... god hates you"

    Watch this video and tell me how you feel about these people

    *note* keep in mind these people are so called "Baptist-Christians"
  2. Repliku Chaser

    I really do try to live a life of not -hating- anyone but seriously, how do these religious nutjobs SMILE and laugh with glassy eyes and condemn other people to hell? This is just disturbing and these people are all delusional. You do not have a right to go to a funeral and ruin it for people. People go to funerals to grieve and mourn their losses and here is this crazy woman and these others with picket signs out there smiling away and saying "God is punishing this country". She's also mad that Iowa banned these people from going to these funerals and protesting saying it's unconstitutional. These are exactly the religious nuts that drive me bonkers. Why should their rights be more protected than the rights of those mourning? What's scary is numbers of these types of people continue to grow in southern baptist churches and televangelical churches across the country.

    There is such a thing as picketing for things but really of all places WHY someone's funeral? They should be arrested and fined and then sent to a psyche ward and never heard from again. I don't care if the person is a serial killer that died. Other people have a right to mourn their losses uninterrupted. Allowing these things to go on is harmful and they are fortunate no one went over and beat them up for it. I bet they probably wanted to. It's passive aggressive religious abuse to the maximum.

    Man, this woman wouldn't stop -smiling- either throughout the interview. She really does need someone to just beat her up in the parking lot. She's just scary. Ok..gone on enough about it. That's just freaky and why I do not like the religious movement cropping up lately through those groups. This woman's church has like 100 wonderful zealot freaks in it that can declare others aren't Christian who don't see as she does. These are the same sorts of people that try to take away our rights to decent education, torment homosexuals, ban anything fun in life as well and waste time burning Harry Potter books. I really wish more was done against them but they have more protection than those who are of other religions or none and aren't harming anyone. Dare I say they are evil?
  3. jenovapanda0920 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 22, 2008
    In my basement, chillin' with my bunny
    First of all, I want to say this JorrellVsRoxas, I'm very sorry that you had to put up with that man's stupidity and all of that. I'm a Christian, but as I said in another topic, God gave us free will, he loves all of his children no matter what, unless you snap and go crazy start killing people and don't want to be forgiven, but God gave us the right to love who we want to.

    But I think it's really bad, that this guy is saying this a soldier's funeral, that's what makes me so angry over this topic. It's like, respect the guy, he died for a free country, he died for us, he died for that very guy insulting him! Jeez, people need to learn to think and stop being stupid. Sides, I just have to say this, God wants us to care and not judge anyone, yet that guy just broke both of those wishes, so basically he's a sinner, and all of mankind will sin, it's in our way of life, but if he's such a Christian, then how come can he judge someone and not feel guilt?
  4. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    damn them!!

    i second both of ya... you both took the exact words outta my mouth... thank you!!
  5. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    People like that make me sick, and have always been on my list of useless people.
    It's gotten to the point where gay also means "bad".
    "Oh, that's so gay, dude".
    It's also gotten to the point where my teachers are discussing whether to bring up placing gay kids in a separate class or not.