It's unknown if this is true or not, as TGS has just passed, however a japanese blog has updated information from the TGS Square-Enix Pamphlet, and has confirmed a few things, however we're not entirely sure if this is true or not, so you can be the judge.
There are indeed three Kingdom Hearts Games
The first one is labeled as (358/2days) and will be released on the DS
The second one is known as "Birth by Sleep" And will be released on the PSP
The third one is "Coded" And will be released on the Mobile Phone (God forbid this one if it's true)
Also besides that, the pamphlet is said to clearly state that FF13 and vs13 will be PS3 Exclusive Only, and a Final Fantasy 11 Expansion is set for a November 22nd sale, and Final Fantasy 4 for the DS is set for a December 20th release.
We'll have more information if this is true or not as time passes, or if these names such as 358/2days, Birth by Sleep, and Coded are their real names, or tentative names.
Right now they believe the 358 days may have a hidden meaning for now, that's currently unknown. Let's hope it's saying the game will be released in 358 days.
Source: 2ch
TGS Info / Rumor on Kingdom Hearts
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Sep 19, 2007.
Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Sep 19, 2007.
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