> Tequila: Slam a Faygo

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Te Deum, Sep 11, 2012.

  1. Te Deum Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jan 25, 2011

    So take your pick!


    As of now, we have these people who have dibs on characters already.

    • Me (Tequila) ======> Karkat Vantas
    • Llave de Espada ======> Sollux Captor
    • Open spot ======> Aradia Megido
    • Open spot ======> Tavros Nitram
    • Open spot ======> Nepeta Leijon
    • Open spot ======> Kanaya Maryam
    • Open spot ======> Terezi Pyrope
    • Open spot ======> Vriska Serket
    • Open spot ======> Equius Zahhak
    • Open spot ======> Gamzee Makara
    • Open spot ======> Eridan Ampora
    • Open spot ======> Feferi Peixes
    Yeah all we're doing is collecting a group of users and distributing these characters/avatars to the ones who want them.
    If you're not interested, don't post.