Wooow That error never happens to me.... Try to take out the colour cartridges and keep the black only
1. I thought that was white. :/gasp: 2. Black is its own cartridge. Yellow is separate. @Slip - It needs all of the cartridges in it to print.
0.0; True.... Mine has seperate cartridges and i can take them out... but my a Laser Printer new model.. that would explain it.
It has separate cartridges that can be taken out separately, but it wants all of them in it to print. This model is only a few years old but I hate it. >:
Ye i know my Parent bought it for me so i could print all my work instead of goin to a cafe... and they bought it from a friend who gets latest goods for cheap, noooo he isnt a theif he a good man and a close friend in are family.