Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler I haven't watched it yet, is it another failure movie that has been ported from a video game or is it a decent one?
I had totally forgot about this one. Not gonna watch it. Hey, is that Raven in the second pic? Wasn't he introduced in Tekken 5?
I've not heard anything about this movie yet in terms of goodness, but I get the feeling it'll be like Dead or Alive. Some of the actors look the part but I doubt it'll stick to the Tekken plot. I mean, it's basically a combination of 3-5. The plot is Tekken 3 but a lot of characters and rivalries appear to be from later games. Spoiler Also, if Paul Phoenix doesn't beat Ogre and leave not realising True Ogre appears (which Jin beats) I will be unhappy and will have sadfaec.
I have the movie, and I have to is quite good, considering it was based off of a video game. They had the basic idea of the plot, but didn't make it too relevant to whichever Tekken(s) it was based off of. Overall I rate it 6.5/10
To say I was excited about the Tekken movie would be an understatement as I have been waiting eagerly for years to witness the characters I spent my childhood playing with for hours brought to life. Unfortunatly, the reality was that I was left rather underwhelmed by the whole experience. Writing critical essays may appear daunting because their topics will, usually, require a great deal of researching