Teh Randomness of Demyx

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by deven5, Feb 26, 2008.

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  1. deven5 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Whats the point of this thread? To make you laugh. XD All things will be revealed in time. o.O

    Demyx- I have the mega-munchies... I gotta eat now.

    Dude1- Mega-munchies? Wtf is that?

    Demyx- You know when you gots the munchies but not the regular munchies a higher level of munchies.... aka mega-munchies.

    Dude1- The munchies has levels? -_- BS.

    Demyx- Duh stupid. Where do you learn stuff. School. XD

    Dude1- Alright genius how many levels does it have?

    Demyx- What are they teaching you? It's just those two levels idiot.... Duuuh.

    Dude1- Your...... very, very, slooow.

    Demyx- Hehe BOOBZ. XD
  2. deven5 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Demyx- You've played all of the KH's right?

    Dude1- Yea I am spawned from you every game you've beaten I have.

    Demyx- I'm gonna gonna kick your face in........... Anywho as I was saying wtf are the chocobo's? I mean the effin moogle was in one so why can't there be chocobo's, I wanna be playin KH and ridin me an effin chocobo!

    Dude1- ........-__- Sooo tell someone who cares....... Idiot......

    Demyx- Don't call me an idiot! I created you I am you MASTER!

    Dude1- Wow.....-_- You really are an idiot, idiot.

    Demyx- YOU DIE NOW!! *snaps fingers and Dude1 sumaltaneously combusts*
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