Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (formerly Ninja Turtles) is a 2014 reboot of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie series. It's set to be produced by Michael Bay and released on August 8th, 2014 in the US. Spoiler: Movie Poster Personally, I feel like so far the movie is going to suck. I really don't want it to, but there are so many things wrong with it. The design of the Turtles is atrocious IMO though, and I really wish they weren't trying to go for such a gritty look. I will say though, Megan Fox doesn't look horrible as April O' Niel. She's pulling off the look pretty well: Sources: http://m.imdb.com/title/tt1291150/ http://turtlepedia.wikia.com/wiki/Teenage_Mutant_Ninja_Turtles_(2014_film)
Ooohhhh no.. I liked the originals, why is he ruining this. Why? I don't particularly care for their designs either... they look... odd..
Okay, so my first impressions of the movie weren't spot-on. While I still feel they're trying to go for an unnecessarily gritty look, it doesn't seem like the movie itself is going to be as horrid. The whole fact that they were trying to create the mutants does put me off a little but, that's just me. Overall, the humor that the turtles showed in the trailer was faithful to what the turtles are. Keeping an eye on this for now, but still not fully convinced.
The original incarnation of Turtles was much grittier than anything that came after so this isn't that unusual (especially considering the modern trend for everything to be dark). And if we're going by a later series the Turtles themselves could be the levity in a much darker setting; there's almost no way to go wrong with the tone of a Turtles franchise because it's all been done before. Based on what little we saw my biggest problem is the apparent scope of the film, Turtles are "supposed" to be street-based without the grandiose city-sweeping shots with towers toppling and things exploding as seen in A-list superhero movies. I put supposed in quotations because Turtles have never been a franchise to stick with tradition, each iteration is generally doing something different, and the current IDW series is supposedly the most different and the best yet. I haven't read it myself but boy do I want to. And, obligatory, this is a Michael Bay movie which makes explosions a prerequisite to making the film. And I question how you can judge their sense of humor based off of a 2-second clip where we hear one line. We don't know anything about it yet, really. They could have picked the one line that sounds reminiscent of Turtles to put the fans at ease. The point I'm trying to make is that, as with most trailers, it's best to reserve judgement until we see the movie. And given that this is Michael Bay's second attempt at reviving an 80's franchise and it's one with a fanbase just as dedicated, people are certainly going to be apprehensive and cry foul at the first chance they get. My point is, it doesn't have to be like any of its predecessors to be good. Them being created by April's dad and Shredder could be interesting, just because it was never done before doesn't mean it won't work for this movie. All-in-all, given the sensitive nature of this film, let's just wait and see. Never make deciding assumptions based on a trailer. My biggest fear for the film is the humor. Given that this is going for a darker tone and the main characters are supposedly teenagers and Megan Fox is in it, it seems like a recipe for disaster. Though mad props to Michael Bay if he and the writers don't go that route. And can I just say, from the set shots I've seen, I'm so glad that Fox isn't all sexed up like in Transformers. I have high hopes for this. I genuinely want Bay to give us something better than he did with Transformers, and from what little I've seen of this movie's production so far I think he can. don't let me down please[DOUBLEPOST=1395942836][/DOUBLEPOST] ugh i made the mistake of clicking on the video and looking at the comments all of these people writing it off already while knowing this little is sad i think it looks good. im excited.
Excuse me for a moment... *goes in a fetal position in the corner and mourns my childhood treasure being gone* *comes back after a minute* Alright, I grew up with the cartoon Turtles and yes, I'm old, sue me. I seriously am not looking forward to this film, I grew up with the first movie that was ever made of TMNT which was a HUGE landmark that has never been hit since. Ever since the whole "aliens" debacle, I have been watching my childhood slip away, I don't see anything exciting about the trailer, and seeing Micheal Bay as director puts a deep fear into my heart. I'm going to pass.
...Michael Bay isn't directing the film. It was clearly stated in the trailer that he's only the producer.
You actually make really great points, and the more I look at the trailer the more I think it looks great while realizing we do virtually know nothing about this. I was entirely skeptical at first, because it was Michael Bay, but really, after careful consideration, I can agree that you're right, it doesn't stick to tradition, and it's a franchise that has done it all before. In a sense, I'm with you. Let's hope they don't let people down.
So I went to see the movie last Thursday and it wasn't as horrible as many people said. The movie does definitely have it's ups and downs (a lot of downs), but it wasn't a disappointment. Spoiler Overall, everything they changed was done well and pulled off properly, however, I feel the decision to not have William Finchter play Shredder('s student who inherited the armor) was a bad call, because the shredder's just kinda there and not a huge deal. I like the origin story change as to how the turtles and splinter were experiments, BUT I think that Splinter should have kept his connection to Hamato Yoshi. The way they all learn Ninjitsu is kinda dumb. I do like that April is the one who saved the turtles and that they have a connection pre-established, because it made it seem easier for April to care about the turtles (they're practically family to her). And if you think Megan Fox sucks in this... You're wrong. I think she did a good job in pulling off what the script wanted her to do, though I think her character could have been better and had a different actress despite being happy with what we got. PS: the turtles are amazing and full of humor. Been a long time since I've laughed that loudly.
So, this was kinda disappointing, but not nearly as much as many people are saying. For me, a 6/10. The action scenes are stellar, and I really liked the utilization of the turtles being turtles and Splinter being a rat. And contrary to what might have been said, I could easily distinguish each turtle from the others, thanks in part to the varying statures and body features and clothing and accessories. I honestly really did like the turtles' personalities; they made me laugh quite a bit. Now the issues I had: For one, WHY DID YOU GUYS GO WITH THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 1 AND 2'S PLOTS???? It is basically the same plot: child protagonist's dad is doing genetic experimentation stuff with his friend, dad finds out that friend is trying to use genetic experimentation for weaponization, dad goes missing in action, protagonist grows up, finds what dad had really been up to, dad's friend turns out to be bad guy, bad guy wants to spread a (specifically) gaseous substance into New York City, heroes stop bad guy, and a tall tower collapses. I am really sick of this plot of "MY DAD DID THE BAD SCIENCE." The changes to the origin are unwanted by me. For two, fuck that backstory for the turtles becoming ninjas. So damn lazy. For three, Megan Fox is still boring to watch. SURPRISE! She does nothing that any other actress could do, and probably does it worse. Also, she barely feels important in the story. Far too reminiscent of Sam Witwicky in the live-action Transformers films. For four, the supporting characters are nothing but plot devices and cease to exist after they've served their weak purpose. For five, Shredder, who looks freaking sick in this film, was basically Bane in The Dark Knight Rises, though with REALLY GOOD FIGHT SCENES. Still, making the MAIN VILLAIN OF THE SERIES the second fiddle big bad is really annoying and shows that they heard the backlash of what was originally going to be a white dude playing Shredder. For six, man, why the fuck did they make Michelangelo constantly hit on April? It's freaking creepy. For seven, really forgettable score. Dunno if this matters for anyone else, but it's just so standard 2010's action flick.