My computer shouldn't have freeze-ups just because a video is processing after recording on Roxio Easy to DVD or a video is saving on Windows Movie Maker. There's no logical explanation. /rant
I won't disagree with this. It freezes a lot. If I have, say, and 40-minute video and I'm around 35 minutes in, if I go back to or near the beginning, it freezes for a few seconds -- sometimes more. However, it's all I have to edit videos.
How do you know? Do you have the specs on hand and have you adjusted that for the wear and tear associated with how much you use it?
There's your problem. WMM isn't built to handle more than 20 minutes of video at the very most, and that'd be at about 360p, so try cutting your video down to, say ten minutes.
I do usually, but one of my current walkthroughs is Finding Nemo, so I go on a level-by-level basis, and the parts so far were anywhere from four minutes to 45 minutes (there were only two around 45 minutes). However, it freezes with any video length. As for the quality, I can get 480p because my YouTube videos have that available for choosing.
First off, I guarantee you that no sane person will watch a 45 minute video of you playing Finding Nemo. Secondly, if it's WMM in general that's giving you grief, try a different program. There are quite a few out there that you can get for free, and you can also look into getting cracked versions of paid programs.