Is there anyone that played Tales of the Abyss here? It's a long and cool game, really great. But stills don't mach for Kingdom Hearts in my opnion. xD Tear learn the Grand Hymn Fonic, what do you guys think about this music? And what are its meaning? I mean, if it has a meaning... here the lyrics: Tue Lei Ze Kuloa Ryuo Tue Ze Kuloa Ryuo Ze Tue Ryuo Lei Neu Ryuo Ze Va Lei Ze Tue Neu Tue Ryuo Tue Kuloa Ryuo Lei Kuloa Ryuo Ze Lei Va Ze Lei Va Neu Va Lei Va Neu Va Ze Lei Kuloa Ryuo Kuloa Neu Tue Lei Kuloa Ryuo Ze Lei Va Rei Va Neu Kuloa Tue Rei Rei Check the music: Names: 1st: Nightmare 2nd: Force Field 3rd: Holy Song 4th: Revitalize 5th: Judgment 6th: Grand Cross 7th: Don't have a name I don't know any language like that, but Tear said it has a meaning for those who sing. And when she learn the 3rd Hymn, she says something about "Understing...Mother...". So, what do you guys think about this music? I think it's beautiful... And sure has a meaning. EDIT: Even if you haven't play the game, if already heard the song you may post what do you think.
I've heard this song and found it quite calming even though I don't own TotA, plus I believe it represents who Tear is like some FF Characters have their own themes based on who they are.