W00t~! Another one O-O; That's like... 3 in 2 days >< Lulz O-O; K, so... I drew Tails this time *claps hands and starts running around in circles* I worked uber hard on this one. I hope ya'll like it ^-^ *edit* I did not mean to make it this huge, but I like to keep it the original size I draw it xD And my scanner doesn't pick up shading real well... so yea... xD
Very good! This is very good and I love it but the shading is a little sloppy and rough. To make the shading smoother, get a Q-tip or a cotton ball, which ever works, and rub the cotton where all of the shading is. And well, this will make the shading a lot smoother. Other than that, it's good. Great job. 8D
Thanx, glad you like it ^-^ My shading looks alot better on my original, my scanner doesn't do very well with shading, lol. I'm getting a new one next month, so I'm pretty excited 8D
Wow, this is really good. They're so cute~ This is so cute. ^w^ I really like it. I like way the shading looks just like this. .-. I wish the pic was a bit smaller though. Ah well, very nice. :3
Thanx, glad you like it. I would make it smaller, but I don't want to change the resolution, lol. I like to keep it just how I draw it, lol.