I'd buy that shirt. Even though I've never heard his band. xD But I think you should put 'Connection' over 'Failed'.
Yeah, I realized that mistake awhile ago. I put so much emphasis on "failed" that the name now looks like "Failed Connection"
Great design, Cin. But, I think it needs spaced a little more... but that'd be hard to fix. Again, good job.
Nice. I'd so buy it. D: However, I have some suggestions... 1. Less monotone. 2. The "Failed" text is really hard to notice, and since the banned is "Connections failed", that makes it look like "Failed Connection". I'd actually put the "Failed" text parallel to the "Connection" text, to make it easier on the eyes. @_@ Otherwise, awesome. It rocks. Excellent render useage. D:
I actually did use a Render. I bet you can still see a small part of Terra's visor underneath the 3 white stars near the top.
That's a way awesome design Cin! Only thing I'm not fond of is the way 'Failed' is curved. I would've made it follow the same direction of the Connection, and put it under it. That way we're sure of the title too. (: Nice stuff again~