Sweet Sacrifice

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Bareri-San, Dec 29, 2008.

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  1. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    yay my 2nd rp XD
    decided i might as well make a naruto one, since my inner narutard has returned lol

    In Konoha's hour of need, Naruto disappeared off the face of the earth, it was later believed that the Akatsuki had managed to kidnap him while no one noticed and took the demon that was sealed within him, ultimately killing him...

    Sadly the Akatsuki orginazation has seen the fruition of its plans and now rules the world. Their rule has been in place for 9 years now. All the original shinobi that opposed them had gone into hiding and are now presumed dead.
    A group of freshly-out-of-the-academy ninja are the only chance the world has at bringing the Akatsuki down for good. Their lives are a sweet sacrifice that they, and the villages are willing to pay for the peace they once had all those years ago.

    1.There is a character limit of two OCs and two characters from the original naruto cast. No more, I don't care if you beg me to raise the character limit, I won't budge so don't even bother about it.
    2. No god modding, power-playing or doing extreme mass amounts of destruction, I can't stress that enough.
    3. Romance is allowed, but don't go extreme (no making out or doing *ahem* something worse than that), keep cussing to a minimum as much as possible and don't go extreme with the blood and gore (no pulling people's teeth out and ripping body parts off >__>).
    4. You have to have at least a basic amount of knowledge of the show and manga for Naruto Shippuuden.
    5. If you want to kill another rp-er's character, you HAVE to have their permission, if I find that you haven't gotten their permission, I will kick you our of the rp.
    6. Please make sure that you'll be a regular rp-er here, don't post like, once or twice and never come here again.
    7. More rules may be added later.
    8. ONLY Pein is allowed to have rinnengan. And his spot is being reserved for someone who is good enough at rp-ing.

    OC Form (please remove the brackets and words that are within the brackets)
    Played by:
    Clan (optional):
    Jutsu Speciality (like genjutsu, taijutsu or ninjutsu):
    Kekke Genkai:
    Appearence (a pic is preferred but a description is fine as well):
    Preview Post:

    Original Naruto Cast
    Kakashi: Fayt-Harkwind
    Madara: King Of Darkness
    Might Guy:
    Rock Lee:
    Sakura:Spunk Ransom
    Sasuke: King Of Darkness
    Ten Ten:
    If the character you want to use is not here, it means that they are dead for this rp or I might bring them in later on..naruto has been taken so dont bother asking

    You must also post a preview post of how you rp. Don't throw a hissy fit at me if I reject you. If you have read the rules the put Narutard at the top of your post.

    Original Characters
    Played by: Naruto Uzumaki (formerly Bareri-San)
    Name: Ritsuka
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Clan: Uchiha
    Jutsu Speciality: Genjutsu
    Kekke Genkai: Sharingan
    Village: Konoha
    Personality: Doesn't easily trust people tends to work alone. Hates it when people ask her stupid questions.
    Bio: Ritsuka was raised away from Konoha while the Uchiha massacre occured. So everyone has believed that she is dead. Since she was young she had changed her appearence so she could stay in Konoha, the only place she considers home. She is among a group that had tried to stop the Akatsuki a year beforewards but was the only one to survive and escape.
    Preview Post: "Dammit, I shouldn't of done that." Ritsuka muttered under her breath. She has used a massive amount of her chakra to use a genjutsu but it failed against her opponent. Her chest started to burn as she ran but she didn't in the least bit slow down at the risk she might get caught again.

    Played by: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Kazuki Mikura
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Clan (optional): n/a
    Jutsu Speciality (like genjutsu, taijutsu or ninjutsu):Ninjutsu
    Kekke Genkai: n/a
    Village: Konoha
    Personality: Quiet and distant
    Bio: He was born in the village of mist but as a baby was moved to Konoha where he was raised as a ninja. Although he has an effinity for water jutsu he smokes.
    Preview Post: Kazuki leapt off the building crouching as he landed. He looked up and faced the target infront of him. Sneakily he crepat up behind the fence and leapt over it catching the cat easily. He carried the cat to a tired out Genin squad and held it infront of them. "Thats how you do it", he said smiling sligthly.

    Played by: deathsight44
    Name: Okuba
    Age: 18
    Gender: male
    Clan: Koretsune clan
    Jutsu Speciality: specializes in taijutsu, but can use ninjutsu
    Kekke Genkai: vol no jutsu
    Village: the sound village (idk what its called. its in the rice country)
    Personality: Prefers to work on his own, is always remaining calm, is very dependable, and even though he can be lazy at times, he always tries his hardest in a fight
    Bio: A ninja gone rogue from the village of the sound, he was due for experimentation of some new techniques, but escaped when he got the chance, and now has a bounty on his head, making it very hard to get around. He is currently hiding out in Konoha, though he has not been discovered yet
    Preview Post: we've rped together how long? o_O

    Played by: Near-to-Tears
    Name: Sky
    Gender: female
    Jutsu Speciality: Taijutsu
    Kekke Genkai: Shinunamida – when the person goes into a possessed state with black tears streaming down their face and their hands mutate into claws; drains the chakra steadily so if the person is left in the state for too long they’ll completely drain their chakra supply
    Village: Leaf Village.
    Personality: Relatively out-going, slightly melodramatic and is surprisingly perverted.
    Bio: Sky was once a member of an elite ANBU squad, the leader of an elite ANBU squad in fact. However after a horrific incident involving her 'Shinunamida' in which her entire team and the small village they were in at the time was almost entirely wiped out, this was caused by a trigger that is still to this day is completely unknown. So as a pre-cautionary measure she was removed from ANBU and is not permitted to leave the village without a S-Rank ninja with her.
    However now with the Akatski in power maybe her unpredictable bloodline ability could prove of some use, but at what cost?
    Preview Post:
    The sunlight poured in through the flimsy cotton curtains of Sky's bedroom windows, spilling it's golden glow all over the sleeping girl's previously shaded face. A low whining moan escaped her lips as she rolled over to escape the glare, her ebony-black hair tumbling over her bare shoulders and into her face. The light rebounding off of it in giving it a dull gleam in the dawn's light.

    Played by: Dexnail
    Name: Rikuto Nezmuro
    Age: 17
    Gender: male
    Clan (optional): n/a
    Jutsu Speciality :Ninjutsu
    Kekke Genkai: daiyamondo- this kekke genkai allow the person to surrond they area with diamond fragmonts that can be molded together to make diamond objuct such as kunie or diamond spikes and it can even protect the person but the user cant do other kind of jutsu just their kekke genkai.
    Appearence: [​IMG]

    Village: Konoha
    Personality: playfull and nice
    Bio: When he was a baby his father left him at the village gate then one day a ninja finds him and brings him to the hokage. The hokage tried to find anybody that had the same kekkie genkie but he couldnt since it was very rare so the hokage took care of him.In the academy he was always making crystal sculptures for the teachers and he got good grades.But when it came to clone justsu and others he couldnt do it cause his kekkie genkie would not let him.The teachers could see that, so they helped him make technikes that let him fuze his kekkie genkie with the normal jutsius so he would be able to graduate.
    Preview Post: Rikuto grinned and spoke a phrase "Daiyamondo..." His voice commanded as the area was engulfed by numerous glimmering crystals. The man stepped back in fear "W-What Jutsu is this?" He was showing out how terrified he was. "This? It's my Kekki Genki. I think it brightens the place up a bit for your grave. Goodbye." With Rikuto words and a sly smirk on his face, fragments broke off from the surround diamond and stabbed through the man several times, killing him.

    Played by:Twilightblader
    Name: Blade
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Clan : An unknown clan
    Jutsu Speciality (like genjutsu, taijutsu or ninjutsu): Ninjutsu and a little Taijustu
    Kekke Genkai: Shougai - ITs ability is to pretty much cancel out any other Kekke Genkai exept itself. Kekke Genkai that are natural and cannot be deactivated are weakened. For example: Sharingan won't activate and the byakugan's abilities will be weakened. Tt takes some some strength for the user to use
    Appearence (a pic is preferred but a description is fine as well):
    Village: Konoha
    Personality: He is a quiet guy who is usually by himself but he is kind. He is also calm through most situations
    Bio:Blade is a skillful ninja who works for a high ranking position in the ANBU. Blade's past is a mystery to others since he usually keeps to himself and the people who knew him well are dead.
    Preview Post: Blade was in an abandoned village with both of his hands on his katana. In front of him was a rouge ninja that held two daggers. Both of them started to stare each other down until the rouge ninja ran straight at Blade. before the ninja could react Blade ran up to him and struck him in the chest with his katana and kicked the body away

    Played by:Varnor
    Name: Yuu Hachiro
    Age: 18
    Gender: male
    Clan: Enshou
    Jutsu Speciality: Ninjutsu
    Kekke Genkai: Kaen Shintai, makes the users body burn without hurting them. it makes the person almost immune to fire and makes fire technics stronger. the bad thing is it makes the user some what weak against water.
    Personality:He is single minded and usually never think before he act. he believes using force can solve anything
    Bio: Born into a ninja family nearly destroyed by their rivals, Yuu spent most of his time on the run to survive. he spent most of his childhood while on the road to protect himself form sudden attacks. during a visit to the fire kingdom he got lost and was separated form his parents. after this he began working as a freelancing ninja doing work no one else would.
    Preview Post: "Take that back" he shouted to the man standing before him, The man just smiled and the spit on him. enraged by the disrespect he had been shown Yuu threw several kunais at the person before charging at him to follow up the attack
  2. ShadowMancer King's Apprentice

    i'll be Sakura. and deidara.
  3. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    you have to post a preview post of how you rp
    i'll add you when you have done so.
  4. The Joker Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 17, 2008
    Mile high.

    Madara and Sasuke please.

    Preview post for Sasuke:
    Sasuke awoke from the nightmare he had been having ever since that day. "The day," he thought, "I became a Avenging Angel." His brother's words played through his head over and over again. "You do not have enough hate. Hatred is power and you will never hate me enough." Though to this thought he had a thought to reply with. It had been with him since the day he had become what he is. The thoguth was, "I will do whatever I must to gain power. Even if I must give my body over to the devil to do so. If the devil drags me into the flames, then Itachi will go down also."

    Preview post for Madara:
    Madara awoke. He thought he heard something thoguh then he thought, "What should I fear?" He was part of the Uchiha Clan in which, in his mind, was the mighytest one on Earth. "No...not just Earth," he thoght. Visions of the past presented therslves to him. "The Universe." The sound still disturbed him, but he had a "stubborn refusal to die". He had things that must be completed...
  5. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
  6. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007

    Can I have Kakashi?

    Played by: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Kazuki Mikura
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Clan (optional): n/a
    Jutsu Speciality (like genjutsu, taijutsu or ninjutsu):Ninjutsu
    Kekke Genkai: n/a
    Appearence (a pic is preferred but a description is fine as well):
    Village: Konoha
    Personality: Quiet and distant
    Bio: He was born in the village of mist but as a baby was moved to Konoha where he was raised as a ninja. Although he has an effinity for water jutsu he smokes.
    Preview Post: Kazuki leapt off the building crouching as he landed. He looked up and faced the target infront of him. Sneakily he crepat up behind the fence and leapt over it catching the cat easily. He carried the cat to a tired out Genin squad and held it infront of them. "Thats how you do it", he said smiling sligthly.

    I'll be gone for a week from tomorrow, Bareri you can use Kakashi if needed in that time XD You know I wouldn't want to ruin the story.
  7. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Played by: deathsight44
    Name: Okuba
    Age: 18
    Gender: male
    Clan: Koretsune clan
    Jutsu Speciality: specializes in taijutsu, but can use ninjutsu
    Kekke Genkai: vol no jutsu
    Appearence: [​IMG]
    Village: the sound village (idk what its called. its in the rice country)
    Personality: Prefers to work on his own, is always remaining calm, is very dependable, and even though he can be lazy at times, he always tries his hardest in a fight
    Bio: A ninja gone rogue from the village of the sound, he was due for experimentation of some new techniques, but escaped when he got the chance, and now has a bounty on his head, making it very hard to get around. He is currently hiding out in Konoha, though he has not been discovered yet
    Preview Post: we've rped together how long? o_O
  8. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    @fayt: of course you can have kakashi XD
    i think he's suit you fine lol

    @deathsight44: I've added you. i put the preview post thing because some people are... well... they're not good at rping.
  9. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    ooc: lol, trust me, ik that I dun need the preveiw post. I wuz just sayens :P
  10. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    Played by:Shadow_Rocks
    Name:Yuki Ookami
    Age: 17
    Clan (optional):
    Jutsu Speciality : Ninjutsu and Genjustu
    Kekke Genkai: N/A
    Appearence :[​IMG]
    Village: Leaf Village
    Personality: She's nice and is brave she cries sometimes because of her memories
    Bio:Yuki's father was ninja who had died before she was 3 and her mom died a few years after that. Yuki got in an accident that made her lose half of her memories.She wants to be a ninja to protect everyone around her.Also Yuki after some years learned to live on her own. She sometimes sings to calm herself down.
    Preview Post: Yuki was sitting on a roof when she heard a strange noise from the trees. Yuki ran into the forest where she heard the noise from "Hopefully it's not another enemy Ninja" Yuki said to herself. All of a sudden Yuki saw a small wolf and she picked it up "I think I should take care of you I can tell you have no family like me" Yuki said.While walking back to the village she tried thinking of something to name the wolf. Yuki heard something coming from a tree. She put the wolf down and looked at the tree where the sound was coming from. Yuki couldn't see what it was or who it was but she had a bad feeling it was a enemy ninja.
  11. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Played by: Near-to-Tears
    Name: Sky
    Gender: female
    Jutsu Speciality: Taijutsu
    Kekke Genkai: Shinunamida – when the person goes into a possessed state with black tears streaming down their face and their hands mutate into claws; drains the chakra steadily so if the person is left in the state for too long they’ll completely drain their chakra supply
    Village: Leaf Village.
    Personality: Relatively out-going, slightly melodramatic and is surprisingly perverted.
    Bio: Sky was once a member of an elite ANBU squad, the leader of an elite ANBU squad in fact. However after a horrific incident involving her 'Shinunamida' in which her entire team and the small village they were in at the time was almost entirely wiped out, this was caused by a trigger that is still to this day is completely unknown. So as a pre-cautionary measure she was removed from ANBU and is not permitted to leave the village without a S-Rank ninja with her.
    However now with the Akatski in power maybe her unpredictable bloodline ability could prove of some use, but at what cost?
    Preview Post:

    The sunlight poured in through the flimsy cotton curtains of Sky's bedroom windows, spilling it's golden glow all over the sleeping girl's previously shaded face. A low whining moan escaped her lips as she rolled over to escape the glare, her ebony-black hair tumbling over her bare shoulders and into her face. The light rebounding off of it in giving it a dull gleam in the dawn's light.

    Gawd, has been a while since I tried RPing. And never a Naruto one o.o
    Ima such a Narutard so it's rather surprising o_O
    Is it okay if I join?
  12. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    welcome to the rp, and i have to say, you have the best rp preview post I've seen yet.
  13. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    Did you see my post? just asking
  14. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    i'm not blind Shadow <___>
    but i think you might need to post a longer review post before i can actually let you join.
  15. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    Ohhh..okay I'll try thinking of things to make it longer *thinks*
  16. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
  17. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    *sigh* this is going to take a while
  18. Bareri-San 私はポテトだ。

    May 31, 2008
    Rieze Maxia
    well at least you will have time to think.
  19. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    That's true.......
  20. Dexnail Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 7, 2008
    castle oblivion forgetting everything
    OCC: can i join
    Played by: Dexnail
    Name: Rikuto Nezmuro
    Age: 17
    Gender: male
    Clan (optional): n/a
    Jutsu Speciality :Ninjutsu
    Kekke Genkai: daiyamondo- this kekke genkai allow the person to surrond they area with diamond fragmonts that can be molded together to make diamond objuct such as kunie or diamond spikes and it can even protect the person but the user cant do other kind of jutsu just their kekke genkai.
    Appearence: has green eyes that changes to silver when he's using his kekkie genkie, has crystal blue hair has short hair in the back and the left side of his front is long and it covers his left eye. He wears jeans thats ripped on the right legs and he wears an white hoodie.
    Village: Konoha
    Personality: playfull and nice
    Bio: When he was a baby his father left him at the village gate then one day a ninja finds him and brings him to the hokage. The hokage tried to find anybody that had the same kekkie genkie but he couldnt since it was very rare so the hokage took care of him.In the academy he was always making crystal sculptures for the teachers and he got good grades.But when it came to clone justsu and others he couldnt do it cause his kekkie genkie would not let him.The teachers could see that, so they helped him make technikes that let him fuze his kekkie genkie with the normal jutsius so he would be able to graduate.

    Preview Post: Rikuto grinned and spoke a phrase "Daiyamondo..." His voice commanded as the area was engulfed by numerous glimmering crystals. The man stepped back in fear "W-What Jutsu is this?" He was showing out how terrified he was. "This? It's my Kekki Genki. I think it brightens the place up a bit for your grave. Goodbye." With Rikuto words and a sly smirk on his face, fragments broke off from the surround diamond and stabbed through the man several times, killing him.
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