Alright... I'm not sure where to put this: I have been asked to make survey questions for a Intranet website that is........ Not well made. It's one of the worst I've seen. We're trying to improve it through a survey. Does anyone have any idea what to post to get some very insightful answers on how to fix it?
I'm not familiar with website surveys per say, but I can try and reference it with most other surveys I do myself or have to explain etc. So without any information on what the site is try some ideas like: What was your experience like? On a rating/scale: how likely would you come back or return here? If you could change something, what would it be? (To better your experience) If it's more of an interaction survey then I can try and come up with something. Or if it's a different survey all together let me know. xD
It's a website for applications, info what we do, etc... For a department of a university. It has three menus stacked one after another. *one very dark gray menu over white and tan colors, a menu that looks like sticky notes and one that looks like torn sheets of paper from a notebook. The colors are extremely dull to the eye, no pictures even. I literally swore under my breath when I saw it.
I haven't made surveys for web design, but something that's been helpful in surveys I have made (for psych projects and for this site), have been thinking of main topic areas I want to address. Usually the questions are pretty easy to come up with from there after I've nailed down a good 3-4 core areas I want to focus on. From the sounds of the website you're doing it for, maybe you could focus on stuff like navigation (how easy is it to navigate this site? can you usually find everything you're looking for? are there details that should be made more easily accessible? etc.), design (is it easy to read the content of the site? are the site colors appealing? what colors do you think best reflect the department/school? what font choice would you recommend? etc.), and content (what do you primarily use this site for? are there details that aren't on there that you think should be, like course info, contact information, etc.) as a jumping off point?