Supernova.. did anyone here go?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by AntiWeapon, Jun 28, 2009.

  1. AntiWeapon Chaser

    Jan 18, 2007
    Supernova.. for those that don't know is a kind of convention, for things like anime, scifi, games and other such stuff.
    Alot of cosplayers and a fair share of Kh ones.

    Anyway yeah, im curious if i was the only member to attend, seems unlikely. So I thought Id ask.

    Interesting things were.
    A playable ENGLISH demo of Dissidia. Which I played and dominated in.
    Voice actor of Vegeta - Christopher Sabat.. Wouldent do 'OVER 900000' for me D: <.
    Bunch of merchendise stuff. Got a Bleach T shirt, A pin with the nobody symbol, Franklin badge. xD and umm a Gunblade keychain.. which is WAAAAAY to big for my keys (and kinda sharp at the point.)

    But yeah! Fun day. D: