|Supernatural: AoA| OOC/Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Boy Wonder, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    [This thread is a reboot of this one. The original was quite popular amongst its members and one of my favorites, but it unfortunately died. There was interest to bring it back so I rebooted it 8D. However, unlike other reboots, I changed virtually nothing. You can feel free to read through the old thread to catch a glimpse of what it was like or for nostalgia (if you're one of the returning members), but otherwise there really is no need to (though it is a fantastic read, if I do say so myself). Reason is because we're starting pretty much from the beginning so any newcomers can join in!]

    Link to RP thread HERE:

    1. First and foremost: Don't powerplay, don't godmod, etc.h​
    2. I tried to make it so you don't have to know the show to join, but basic knowledge will help.
    3. This is a baseball game. You're the players, I'm the umpire, these are the rules. Three strikes and you're......OUT.​
    4. All of these rules apply. They're KHV's rules. If you haven't read them yet, you shouldn't be RPing on here http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?114808-Updated-8-28-2011-Role-Play-Section-Rules!
    5. Please, please, PLEASE follow the 20 word minimum rule. It's not that hard to add a few words simply by detail.​
    6. I don't expect everyone to have perfect grammar and spelling, but I expect most of it to be correct.​
    7. Romance is pg...16. Yeah, not 13. Supernatural has some lusting, too.
    8. Swearing is REQUIRED...no, just kidding. But it isn't forbidden. Supernatural wouldn't be Supernatural without some swearing.​
    9. If you're taking a break or simply quitting, let someone know (preferably me). I like giving recaps so breaks are no big deal.​
    10. Any of the characters from the series (Minus Azazel, of course) DO NOT exist here. So no Dean, Sam, Castiel, Bobby, John, etc.​
    11. Three characters max. All 3 can be hunters; up to 2 can be Special Children; Only 1 can be something supernatural, Demon or otherwise.​
    12. I will need people to control NPCs often. I don't mind controlling them myself, but I don't want to hog the fun. NPCs range from victims to regular people to the monsters. Let me know if you want to control a specific monster though VM/PM or on here.​
    13. NPCs that are regular people or the "monster of the week" don't count towards your character limit.
    14. You can't always be high on Demon blood (Duh) and don't be using your powers in every post. Try fighting things the old fashioned way: with lots of bullets.​
    15. Out of the Acolytes, only FOUR will have a Demon killing knife. Lenny has one, my character has one, that leaves two more for you. No more Demon-Killing Knives allowed; Lenny, Adam, Scott, and Luce have them claimed.​
    16. One other Acolyte can have a car. You can pick what it is (if you don't enough enough about cars to name a model, just describe the basics of it).
    17. The car and knives are first come, first serve.
    18. All Acolytes (minus Lenny) have to be between the ages of 15 and 23
    19. Angels and Heaven are not in this RP (currently). So none of you believe in it unless your character is religious.
    20. If you think a monster that has not been seen on the show should be used here, let me know. We can definitely get creative with that. (I already have a list of some :D)
    21. I don't mind OOCs as long as there's a BIC in the post as well.
    23. Same for powers, if you want to use a power that the show hasn't touched upon.
    24. If you use pictures for anything when making a character, put them in spoiler tags.
    25. If you have a question, feel free to ask on here (or on my page) before making a character. I'd rather you ask me first and we can clear things up instead of you just guessing and making a character then me asking you to correct something.
    26. To go along with #25, if you're not sure you can use a certain power, ask first.
    27. If you've read everything, before this point and after this point, make sure to put (Celine Demon) in your first post.
    28. I will probably break my own rules many times for plot purposes. This means I will do things I shouldn't be able to do, not just with my characters, but with yours, in regards to abilities. For instance, I will give you premonitions or headaches or make your powers activate, etc.
    29. Since I'm the RPMaker, I might add rules later. I'll tell you when I do and what they are.
    30. Oh, and we're going to pretend we have unlimited ammo, just to make things easy. Of course, if you're going trigger happy, your bullets might just...disappear.

    Character form for Acolytes
    Favorite Weapon:​
    Character form for Hunters
    Favorite Weapon:​
    Character form for Supernatural:

    There are currently four Acolytes (from the previous thread). Any new members will join as brand-new Acolytes that have just been found. The three original Acolytes are Adam "Mulligan" Milligan (controlled by me), Scott Grey (controlled by Machina), and Luce Shadow (controlled by Twilight_Nobody13). Luce was the first Acolyte that Lenny found, when she was 15. He found Adam the following year when the boy was 15 (Adam is a year younger than Luce). Scott joined two years later when he and Adam were 17. Alexis, who is now 18, just joined recently (being two years younger than Adam and Scott and three years younger than Luce) and only has a mission or two under her belt. All other Acolytes will be brand new.

    Username: Boy Wonder
    Name: Leonard "Lenny" Fredericks
    Age: Late 40s

    • Mind Reading - Lenny is able to read the minds of the people around him. However, when he's eye-to-eye and close to the person, he can delve completely into their minds and see what they saw, hear what they heard, learn what they know, taste what they taste, and read all their thoughts. He does it after every mission to gain information.
    • Telekinesis - His telekinesis is a lot stronger than the other Acolytes. He can move things that the others need Demon blood to move.
    • Sixth Sense - Lenny has the ability to sense supernatural phenomena around him.
    • Unlike the others, Lenny has no premonitions.
    Background: Lenny almost never talks about his past. He says he's been hunting longer than the others have been alive. He's a Special Child of Azazel from the previous generation and the only survivor. He won't tell the Acolytes what happened to the others of his generation, except that he "lost in the end." His reason for finding Azazel is different than the others, but helping them in their revenge will help him achieve his undefined goal. Several years ago, he started searching for the new generation of Azazel's children. He managed to get them all on his side with the promise of revenge. He inherited the Roadhouse from a hunter who died on the job. His family didn't want anything to do with the Hunters and gave him the bar.
    Personality: Lenny is always serious, but known to crack the occasional joke. The rare times he joins the Acolytes in a hunt, it's easy to see he likes the thrill of hunting. He cares for all the Acolytes as his own family, but is known to treat them as employees; he places the job above all else. He's open to complaints and suggestions, but always reinforces that his word is final and is not above punishing the Acolytes in a variety of ways. He's the classy kind of gentleman, though, for the most part. He knows a lot more about the supernatural than the other Acolytes and has taught them everything they know. He is constantly seen with either a cigar in his mouth, a glass of wine in his hand, or both.

    Favorite Weapon: He has a fourth Demon-killing knife that he always keeps on him. His favorite form of firearms though is a single revolver, but he is an expert on using all forms of firearms, having been hunting for years.
    Other: He keeps a large stash of Demon blood preserved in his room for emergencies.
    Username: Boy Wonder
    Name: Adam "Mulligan" Milligan
    Age: 20

    • Pyrokinesis - One of the more powerful (and scarier) abilities, Adam has the power to generate and control flames. Normally, all he can do is make his palms extremely hot to the point where it burns anyone he touches. In states of stress, fire erupts from his arms but he has little control over it. With enough Demon-blood, he can cover his body in flames and control it. The amount of Demon-blood it takes for him to this is well past the point of addiction.
    • Demon Exorcism - Able to mentally exorcise Demons from a host without hurting the host. This causes a lot of stress to the point where his nose bleeds and he can only use this with Demon blood in his system.
    • Telekinesis - Adam has the normal amount of telekinesis the other Acolytes do. He doesn't like using it because it doesn't feel "right" to move things without touching them.
    • Premonitions - like the others.
    Background: Adam was made into a Special Child just like the others. His father raised him until he was 5, but ended up committing suicide. Adam was raised by in an orphanage until he was 12. He always knew he was different than the other kids. They knew it, too. That's why they always seemed scared of him. And when kids fear you, they bully you. Adam was an outcast. When he turned 12, he was adopted by a woman. She looked past his "differences" and loved him, and he loved her back. The next year, she married her boyfriend. Just like the other orphans, he didn't understand Adam and for that, he feared him. He never let Adam forget that he was different and that he (The stepfather) didn't like it, but of course, never when his foster mother was around.

    When he was 14, after entering high school, his stepfather got on to him again. Adam couldn't take it and shoved him, leading the man to shove him back. The two ended up fighting while his mother screamed at them to stop. His stepfather beat Adam to a pulp before Adam's pyrokinesis finally developed. Adam couldn't control what happened next, but the house burned down. He managed to escape. The last thing he heard before walking out was his mother's screams. He lived on the streets for a few months, fearing his power. He assumed he had killed his birth mother as a baby and caused his birth father's suicide. He blamed both sets of parents' death on his power until Lenny found him. Lenny explained that it was Azazel that did it to him, Azazel killed his mother. Blaming Azazel for the deaths of his birth parents, making him different and his life hell, giving him the power that killed his foster mother, and causing him grief, Adam swore revenge. He transferred schools with Lenny's money. He was immediately outcasted once again, but at the first sign of bullying, he fought back. With the training he had received from Lenny, Adam beat the living crap out of all his bullies. No one bothered him after that. He graduated with honors and took a few classes at a community college.
    Personality: Sarcastic, rash, rude, the typical bad boy. He's also confident. He thinks he has a personal connection to Azazel because of his pyrokinesis powers and always says that he's the one that's going to kill him because of it. He has a habit of asking for retries which is why Lenny calls him Mulligan. He's been drinking beer and smoking cigarettes since Lenny found him.
    Appearance: http://i246.photobucket.com/albums/gg120/SidVsmyhomeboy/Hatsuharu_by_vakuvaku.jpg
    Favorite Weapon: He has one of the Demon-killing knives. He also carries two pistols during missions. He also loves using a sawed-off shotgun. He doesn't use any other firearms, but has his car filled with hunting material (salt, iron, etc.)
    Other: He drives a Dodge Charger

    It has Devil's Traps engraved into the floor, sides, and roof of the trunk, under each hubcap, and the bottom of the roof.
    Username: Machina
    Name: Scott Grey
    Age: 20

    • Telekinesis - It's stronger than most of other Acolytes' and it is also Scott's favorite ability.
    • Superhuman Strength - Scott is the physically strongest of Lenny’s Acolytes.
    • Demon Excorcism - Scott’s own variation of this power allows him to physically tear out a demon with his hands. As it requires physical contact, it’s quite risky. With demon's blood however, the power is strong enough to allow Scott to literally punch a demon out of its host.
    • Premonitions - Scott‘s weakest ability, at best he can see vague images of things to come rather than something detailed like that of which the others would see.
    Background: As he grew up, Scott was excessively violent. He may not have grown up on the streets but for all intents and purposes, he might as well have. He sought trouble wherever he went. Whether it was because he took more than he could chew or not is something he won’t tell others, but his attitude changed completely just days before Lenny found him. With Scott’s own father already dead by this time, he had nothing to leave behind. Even though his father’s death affected him a good deal, it wasn’t the reason why he changed. That was something he kept to himself. Scott is the third Acolyte found by Lenny, being taken in at the age of 17. By this time, he already had obtained his "favorite weapon".
    Personality: Though Scott has a tendency to be violent and at times acts before thinking, he’s one of the more mild-mannered Acolytes. Scott’s attempts to be empathetic towards the others aren’t always met with the same attitude, but then again it must be because he tends to make comments at the wrong times. At the end of the day, Scott is not afraid to own up to his mistakes and is more than willing to take a beating for the team. Even if it’s just to act like a punching bag so someone else can vent their anger.
    Appearance: http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii45/ArchAwesome1/Damon.jpg
    Favorite Weapon: He has one of the Demon-killing knives. Scott’s preferred weapon is a sword that he’s had since before joining the Acolytes. He won’t say where he got it from but it’s obviously no normal sword. It's unaffected by the powers of the Acolytes.

    Username: Bushy Brow
    Name: Alexis (Doesn't know her surname)
    Age: 18

    • Superhuman reflexes - The ability to move against most attacks at extreme speeds as well as increased visual perception. If she sees an attack, she can pretty much dodge/block it perfectly in an instant. With Demon blood powering her, she can with her increased visual perception read her opponent(s) so well that she can practically predict their moves, and even dodge things such as bullets with further enhanced reflexes.
    • Portalkinesis - The ability to create portals that can summon objects at anytime. She mainly does this with weapons (or even normal objects if say for example she has lost her cell phone). The limits of this ability are that she can only move non-sentient objects (nothing that is alive), she must be able to clearly picture the object in her mind, and she can only summon 2-3 things at once. With Demon blood in her system, she can summon many objects all at once and also in fact move sentient beings through portals if she needs to, although this puts a lot of stress on her and can leave her dazed and on the verge of conciousness depending on how much of an extent she uses the ability.
    • Telekinesis - Alexis has the normal amount of telekinesis the other Acolytes do. She likes to combine this ability with her Portalkinesis to control objects that she has just summoned. When under the influence of Demon blood, the combination can be pretty deadly.
    • Premonitions - like the other Acolytes, although hers become a lot stronger when she dreams.
    Background: Was raised by her father until the age of 4 until he died from illness. She was taken in by her father's sister, but because of how unusual Alexis was... she was just as suddenly ditched by her Aunt and literally sent to the streets to fend for herself. Despite being left alone, she did draw the attention of a homeless woman who kept an eye out for her our of pity for the young girl. Alexis ended up becoming street smart rather fast out of neccessity. It was either that, or death. Although, it seems her trauma made it so she never truly opened up to the woman who too later ended up ditching her. Other people in her position took notice too, but they never seemed to pay heed to the girl unless they wanted something. This is how Alexis survived, by adapting quickly and never settling into routine, and always being alone...
    When she was around 11 that's when she began to awaken truly to her powers, in particular her PortalKinesis developed really fast. Thanks to this ability she was able to survive relatively well on the street by summoning objects as she needed them despite being just a child... such survival is an incredible feat and from having to survive from such a young age, it explains why Alexis is the way she is today. If she ever got into hardships (fights), she was even without any sort of training a skilled fighter and became known as 'The "Untouchable" girl (the name later became "Untouchable Queen" as she grew older)' as no one, not once was ever able to lay a finger on her (unknown to Alexis, this was down to her super human reflexes), although Alexis herself hated the nickname that later turned her into some sort of legendary figure among the street dwellars. She was still on the streets up until a month ago (see the first RP thread for more details about how she was augmented into the Acolytes) when Lenny finally came across her as the 'Acolyte he had seemingly missed'. Alexis had understandably been wary of Lenny and resisted him at first (the two won't talk about what happened in that fight the day she was found), only finally being persuaded to back down once she realised he had powers like her. This means she was 18 at the time of her recruitment and had lived on the streets for an astonishing 14 whole years.
    Personality: Can be rather cold to everyone for obvious reasons, and tends to be a bit of a loner because that is all she really knows. She finds it hard to trust people because... well, there isn't really anyone she has ever been able to trust before.

    Favorite Weapon: Anything she can summon really with her portalkineses. On some days she might like daggers/knives, on others she might fancy using guns (once she is trained up with them)... on days with Demon blood in her, she might decide that she likes them all.
    - She cannot remember what her surname is.
    - Doesn't know when her own birthday is, so her age is an approximation. Lenny has decided to treat her birthday date as the same day that he found her and bought her to the Acolytes.
    - Has tried to take up a hobby and has found that she is surprisingly pretty good at cooking.
    - Alexis has the youngest recorded age of the earliest use of her core powers for when she awoke to her powers at the age of 11. This means that even though she's not as experienced as the other 3 Acolytes that come before her when it comes to the supernatural forces, Alexis does have more experience when it comes to controlling her powers.
    User name: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Luce Shadow
    Age: 21
    Gender: female
    Powers: All Luce's powers are much stronger (duh) when she's high and they cause more damage to her.
    -Telekenisis- She can move objects a little farther than other acolytes but is still perfecting it.
    -Superhuman strength- just enough to handle the daily demon.
    -Death touch- not strong enough to instantly kill everything but enough to make her a formidable hand to hand combatant.
    -Premonitions- much more vivid than others and usually leave her with a short term memory loss type thing.
    -Demon Excorsism- (like how Sam does on the show) slowly, painful to both demon and her but effective. Leaves her with a nose bleed.
    Background: Luce's father, after witnessing the death of his wife, attempted at raising Luce on his own. Her powers showed up when she was 6 years old and she accidently killed a girl mocking her silver hair. Her father turned to physical abuse a year after the incident, trying to find his own outlet for the series of deaths caused by his own daughter and eventually he killed himself when she was 8. Luce raised herself ever since, using what money she could obtain by selling whatever she had. Her possessions...her extra clothes...her family heirlooms...and finally when she had nothing left, her own body. Living on the streets, Luce became like the rats and cats that kept her company...savage, indifferent, cold and cautious. On her 15th birthday, it was raining, curling in a box she'd found, she prayed with all her heart she would finally die. Lenny found her before she could catch anything more serious than a cold and took her in. Ever since, she's seen him as the father she couldn't have. Despite the horror of the explanations of demons and Azazel, she accepted her fate without hesitation and used her time daily to practice what she could. Meeting Adam after he'd brought him home, Luce took a slight dislike to the boy and an even greater dislike of Scott when he arrived.
    Personality: Luce is usually a cold woman with no room for failure. She never misses a detail in her visions and is easily disippointed by others. Her sunny and cheerful side only shows up when she drinks or is high. She also has a daddy complex and doesn't take well to those who mock it. The only ones that know, thankfully, are Lenny, Adam and Scott.
    Appearance: http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/W/WE/WER/WEREWOLFGIRL101/1224202802_9064_full.jpeg
    Favorite Weapon: She has two dual pistols strapped to her thighs, one with silver bullets, the other with salt filled bullets, she likes to call them Ebony and Ivory (yes after Devil May Cry). She carries an iron knife with her, hidden somewhere in the many pockets in her jeans and several other assorted deadly utensils in her car.
    Other: Despite Luce's aversion to people, she works the bar more than most. It remains to be seen if her hatred of Scott is an act to cover for something she's ashamed to admit or not. She also has a bad habit of lighting cigarettes without smoking them and simply burning marks in her arms when she does something foolish. (Happens a lot around Scott)
    Car: Ford GT Heritage with demon traps in the roof, floor, doors and anywhere else a demon could hitch a ride.
    Username: Midnight Star
    Name: Eliza Moon
    Age: 17
    Electrokinesis - The strongest of her abilities, allowing her to control electricity. Eliza can create potent electric shocks on touch with something, sending a large amount of electricity directly to whatever she touches. She can also create large electric bolts out of the palms of her hands, though she has less control of this, she can only direct it in the right general direction. She can power up or destroy anything electronic as well using this.
    Super Strength - Even though she is very small, she is one of the strongest out of the group.
    Telekinesis - The normal amount
    Premonitions - Like the other Alcolytes.
    Background: Eliza grew up with her dad, they didn't have much money but they got by. She learned early on that she couldn't afford to waste anything and often went without. She didn't mind though, she was happy, even if she didn't have what the other kids had. She was very close to her dad and she'd always try to help out in any way that she could.

    However because of her extremely small size and sometimes coming to school without certain things which gave away how poor they were, she quickly got bullied. She didn't tell anyone about it, she didn't want to burden others with her troubles. She backed herself into a corner, she didn't have many friends and most people kept away from her like she was a rabid dog. She still kept quiet about it, determined to see it through. As she got older, the bullying got worse and turned from name-calling to physical being beaten up. She tried to fight back, but that just made it worse. It didn't help that she still remained very small for her age. Despite this, she still refused to ask anyone for help, deciding instead to teach herself to fight. She slowly improved but if she got one of them then more would just gang up on her.

    When she was only 13, her powers rapidly materialised and in a fight she accidentally gave one of the bullies a strong electric shock sending him unconscious. Believing that she had killed him and fearing that she would get her dad in trouble, that night she packed her stuff and left home. The rest of her powers materialised shortly after that, which meant she survived okay. She found it very tough at the start as she struggled to control her powers; she was used to having little but she did not know how to fend for herself and the sleeping outside was hard for her. She somehow managed to get by and she found it became easier as time went on. She learnt to use her small size as an advantage, everyone always underestimated her, which suited her just fine. Through all this, she still believed she was a murderer and hated herself for it. She kept moving around from place to place, always on the lookout, with the belief that one of these days, out of nowhere someone would come and punish her.
    Personality: Eliza is an optimist, despite everything that she goes through, she always tries to look on the bright side of everything and believes that if you work hard and keep on living then good things will come. She's quite suspicious of everyone she first meets but once she trusts someone she will open up and remain loyal to her friends. She sometimes acts quite naive or childish and loves to have fun, often seeming not to understand the full seriousness of the situation. However even if she doesn't show it, she is well aware of the harsh realities of life and will fight hard, especially when her friends are in danger. She has a quiet determination that means that she won't give up, no matter what obstacles stand in her way. She also deep inside hates herself a lot and feels she has to redeem herself, but she won't tell anybody that.
    She is very petite and as a result if often thought to be younger than she actually is.

    Favourite Weapon: A small pistol that she keeps hidden on her belt, with special iron bullets. She also has a few bullets with a wire attached to them, giving her a direct line to electrocute them with from a distance.
    Other: The things in her hair are actually small iron knives and lock-picking tools but she only uses them in an emergency because it's her secret and it means she has to sort out her hair again after.
    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Name: Zeke Caster
    Age: 19
    • Incineration Touch- Without any Demon Blood Zeke can caused at least third degree burns. With demon blood he can set his enemies on fire by touching them.
    • Invisibility - Tends to only use this when stealth is needed.
    • Premonition - The same as the others.
    Background: Ever since the mysterious death of his mother, Zeke father was working hard to make ends meet for the both of them. He managed to keep their troubled situation under wraps for 13, but Zeke eventually took notice to certain things. People kept coming to the house asking for tax money and phone calls asking for the same thing continued for 2 year until his father lost hope and committed suicide. It wasn't long before Zeke was placed into a orphanage where he stayed there a year before he was adopted. While the next three years of his life was better, He still missed the time he spent with his father.
    Personality: Once his father had died Zeke had become quiet and tended to keep to himself. While he does occasionally speak his mind, he mostly stays in his thoughts. If you can get past his outer personality you'll see that he's really a nice guy to be around.
    Appearance: http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/Wyrmfoot/Anime Guy/GunnedDown.jpg
    Favorite Weapon: He prefers to use two Desert Eagles that he's spray painted black and gold.

    Username: Cat~
    Name: Caitlyn Reed (goes by Cat for short)

    Age: 17
    • Mind Control ~ She's been able to control people fairly well with one exception: she can't command anything that forces the victim to directly take their own life (if they were to accidentally get hit by a bus, that's fine, but a direct suicide order is a no go). However, once she's had enough demon blood she can control them fully and she can even communicate through telepathy if the target is close enough.
    • Premonitions ~ It's been a while since she went through the "headache phase;" she now knows it's coming when her vision starts to blur. Depending on how much adrenaline she's got pumping, she can still discern most things in sight (the more adrenaline, the less her vision is affected which is very handy if she's in the middle of a fight).
    • Audiokinesis ~ To some extent, she is able to control sound waves. She can make people hear anything, from music to a scream. There are a few catches, however. She has to be at least a certain distance from them, there can't be a soundproof wall between her and her target, and she can only keep it up for a limited period of time (for up to four minutes non-stop), as this is the most draining of her abilities. With some demon blood, she can keep it up for double the time and her range is extended.
    Background: After her mother's death, something in her father snapped. When she was young, he would always make sure to be there. Despite the lack of stability left in his life, he made sure his daughter would turn out differently. One day when she was six or seven, he took her on a trip to her aunt's house and he said he would be back after taking care of a few things. But he never came home, and her life crumbled without his support. Around the age of ten, she started to get splitting headaches and she'd even start seeing things. At one point she'd gotten into an argument with her uncle over school and she'd yelled at him to just leave her alone. He did just that, and it was a week before she was able to "convince" him to cut it out. They were kind enough to her, but they'd always seemed... afraid. She never knew why, but she'd always known that she was different.
    And then, years later, Lenny came. He spoke of demons and ghouls in the night, and as much as she wanted to deny it, she knew that she'd never been normal, and that her only hope for acceptance was with him. When they arrived at the Roadhouse, for the first time since her father had "left," she felt safe. Even through the migraines and madness, she was accepted. And she swore that no matter what might happen, she'd avenge her family and help put an end to Azazel's cycle of suffering.

    Personality: She enjoys the company of friends, but there are times where she likes to be alone. That said, she's kind-hearted, but hardly gullible; she likes to gauge people before she'll start to really open up to them, so at first she'll seem cold. She also likes to overanalyze things, both to make sure she doesn't miss any important details and so she doesn't have to worry about pushing things onto anyone else.

    Appearance: http://wallpaperscraft.com/image/anime_girl_headphones_glasses_room_22343_1680x1050.jpg

    Favorite Weapon: Pistol

    Username: lord-insan-E-O
    Name: Johnny Parker
    Age: 22
    Background: Johnny's just a southern gentleman from Kentucky. His father was a hunter who was working a case when he blew into town and met his mother. His father and mother stayed in contact and he knew his father fairly well. Both his parents never wanted him to become a hunter, but knowing what was out there they taught him enough to protect himself. His father got ripped to shreds by a werewolf when he was 13. With his father dead his mother became paranoid, and learned a whole lot more about what goes bump in the night. She then was all 'Sarah Conner' when raising him, making sure he was prepared for anything. But she died when Johnny was 18, yeah smoking does kill kids. With nothing left for him and knowing how to kill about anything with anything, he left his home for a life of cheap Motel rooms, internet porn, and violence.
    Personality: Johnny enjoys being a hunter. The fighting, the women, the traveling, and most of all the one liners, he loves it all. He's a big softie, willing to help anyone if they ask nicely. When it comes to the unnatural, he has a motto, 'Don't kill, then won't get killed'.
    Appearance: Link mofo
    Favorite weapon: Smith & Wesson Model 460 he calls 'Sally', Sawed off Over and Under Shotgun, and a machete.
    Other: He drives a SUV.
    Username: Boy Wonder
    Name: Thanatos
    Species: White-Eyed Demon

    • Telepathy, telekinesis, mind control
    • Superhuman strength and endurance
    • Able to see and overpower Reapers.
    • Thanatos' main two abilities is his "Fiery White Light" that can destroy objects like an explosion and his control over the elements, something unique to just him. He's able to move water, fire, earth, wind, and even light, though he can't generate them. He needs a source to work from.
    Background: One of the first Demons to exist, Thanatos can be considered the Demonic version of Adam as Lilith is the Demonic version of Eve. He has a secret motive separate from Azazel and he doesn't ally himself with the Yellow-Eyed Demon, though he does have a connection to him. Azazel is the only Demon that can travel from Hell and Earth at will, but Thanatos escaped Hell long ago through a secret method that other Demons don't use.
    Personality: Sadistic, but sophisticated.
    Appearance: Click Here
    Other: Just like Scott, Thanatos uses a sword in battle, though he rarely unsheathes it as he doesn't like to get his hands dirty. His sword is identical to Scott and no other Demon can wield it.

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Gaara Sabakuno
    Species: demon
    Powers: Telepathy
    Background: Gaara met a silver haired woman in Minnesota only briefly. He's lived in a cabin in an isolated section of woods since he was born. Gaara chose to possess a newborn when he escaped from Hell and thus the child's growth has been slowed drastically. After seeing the silver haired woman, he grew attatched to the woman his Master calls one of his special children.
    Personality: Despite being a demon, Gaara holds a warm and kind disposition, but only for his Master and the silver haired woman. Otherwise, a sort of bipolar condition affects his desicions, making him just another demon with a lust for blood.
    Appearance: http://www.absoluteanime.com/naruto/gaara[3].jpg
    Other: Gaara's Master is the Yellow-Eyed Demon, and he occasionally talks to his teddy bear.

  2. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Just reporting in to say that I'm still in from the last thread, and I'll PM you my redone profile, which will stay secret from others for now, at some point soon (within the next couple of days or so).
    Of course, you more or less already knew this.
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Username: Machina
    Name: Scott Grey
    Age: 20

    • Telekinesis - It's stronger than most of other Acolytes' and it is also Scott's favorite ability.
    • Superhuman Strength - Scott is the physically strongest of Lenny’s Acolytes.
    • Demon Excorcism - Scott’s own variation of this power allows him to physically tear out a demon with his hands. As it requires physical contact, it’s quite risky. With demon's blood however, the power is strong enough to allow Scott to literally punch a demon out of its host.
    • Premonitions - Scott‘s weakest ability, at best he can see vague images of things to come rather than something detailed like that of which the others would see.

    Background: As he grew up, Scott was excessively violent. He may not have grown up on the streets but for all intents and purposes, he might as well have. He sought trouble wherever he went. Whether it was because he took more than he could chew or not is something he won’t tell others, but his attitude changed completely just days before Lenny found him. With Scott’s own father already dead by this time, he had nothing to leave behind. Even though his father’s death affected him a good deal, it wasn’t the reason why he changed. That was something he kept to himself. Scott is the third Acolyte found by Lenny, being taken in at the age of 17. By this time, he already had obtained his "favorite weapon".
    Personality: Though Scott has a tendency to be violent and at times acts before thinking, he’s one of the more mild-mannered Acolytes. Scott’s attempts to be empathetic towards the others aren’t always met with the same attitude, but then again it must be because he tends to make comments at the wrong times. At the end of the day, Scott is not afraid to own up to his mistakes and is more than willing to take a beating for the team. Even if it’s just to act like a punching bag so someone else can vent their anger.
    Appearance: http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii45/ArchAwesome1/Damon.jpg
    Favorite Weapon: He has one of the Demon-killing knives. Scott’s preferred weapon is a sword that he’s had since before joining the Acolytes. He won’t say where he got it from but it’s obviously no normal sword. It's unaffected by the powers of the Acolytes.
    Other: Suck it~
  4. muff monkey Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 25, 2010
    Username: muff monkey
    Name: Tatum Black
    Age: Nineteen (19)
    - Deadly Touch - Her favorite - the most powerful, because she spends most of her time focusing on it. With the slightest touch, Tatum can bring an enemy to their knees and a few seconds later, she can kill them. It's in its weakest stage when she has minimal to no demon blood in her system, allowing her to touch others without hurting them. She looks at this as a positive aspect because she wouldn't know how to go the rest of her life without human contact.
    - Regenerative Blood - This is completely unknown to her and everyone else. She only firsts discovers it when she has her first taste of demon blood, since it is only active when that is in her system. The more blood she has drank, she bigger the wound she is able to heal. But despite that, it will not make any human being invincible. She cannot bring anyone back from the dead by "healing" them. It will only work on flesh wounds, and can repair something in a few hours that would normally take weeks to heal.
    - Telekinesis - It's weaker than most because she sees no point in moving something with her mind, so she's never actually practiced it on a daily basis.
    - Premonitions - It's about as strong as the rest of the Acolytes.
    Background: After the death of her mother, Tatum and her father moved in with relatives in a small suburban neighborhood just outside of New York City, and they became a rather close knit family. At the age of five, Tatum's father was killed in a car crash caused by a drunk driver. She grew up with her uncle and aunt, and with their two kids. Although she loved them greatly, she couldn’t help but think she didn’t exactly belong in the household. At the age of eleven, Tatum ran away from home, ending up in NYC by herself. Even though she was only eleven, she felt no fear being alone in such a large city. That was until she ended up an alleyway.

    She isn't sure what happened even to this day. There had been awful screams, and being the curious young girl she was, she followed them. When she had arrived at the spot she heard the yelling coming from, it smelled of death. As she was about to run out of the alley, a large hand grabbed tight to her arm, unwilling to let go. When she went to slap him off of her, the moment her skin met his skin, he was down on the ground, whimpering as if he was in pain. The shock of what was happening was too much for Tatum to the point where she was unable to move. Her hand stayed on his and soon his body went limp. Unsure of what to do, she just ran, eventually ending back at her house. Her aunt and uncle asked her countless times what had happened, but she swore to herself she would never repeat out loud what had happened right before her eyes. After that day, she distanced herself even further away from the people who had raised her.

    By the time she was sixteen, you could say she became a stranger to everyone she had once been close to. She woke up, she went to school, she came home, and she went straight to her room, only coming out to either go to the bathroom or to get food. That day when she was eleven never left her thoughts and all she really wanted were answers. At the age of eighteen, she finally got those answers in the form of a person named Lenny. Her questions were answered with explanations and she finally had a sense of who she really was. After much discussion, Tatum agreed to go with Lenny after he told her there were many others like her. She felt as if this would protect her from innocent people if she was able to control herself so there would be no incidents again.
    Personality: Tatum is extremely shy. She doesn't trust herself to get close to people, let alone be around them. She's much more content with sitting in her room all day talking to absolutely no one. She built walls around herself when she was eleven and she's yet to meet someone who can break though them. If someone was able to, though, they'd realize that she's a completely different person. On the inside, Tatum is bubbly and has a tendency to never shut up once she's begun talking. Sometimes she thinks it's a good thing that she necessarily doesn't have other friends because she fears that if they see what she's honestly like, they might get annoyed with her.
    Favorite Weapon: Tatum's favorite weapon is a small hunting knife that used to be her father's. He loved to hunt and when he passed away, she took it so that part of him would always be with her. Although it doesn't count for much, she carries it everywhere and you will almost always see her sharpening it. Apart from that small weapon, she usually just takes whatever she can manage to get her hands on.
    Other: Celine Demon makes me think of Celine Dion as a demon.
  5. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    So happy that this is back... XD All my nagging for a reboot finally paid off. lol
    Anyway, here is Alexis's amended form:

    Username: Bushy Brow
    Name: Alexis (Doesn't know her surname)
    Age: 18

    • Superhuman reflexes - The ability to move against most attacks at extreme speeds as well as increased visual perception. If she sees an attack, she can pretty much dodge/block it perfectly in an instant. With Demon blood powering her, she can with her increased visual perception read her opponent(s) so well that she can practically predict their moves, and even dodge things such as bullets with further enhanced reflexes.
    • Portalkinesis - The ability to create portals that can summon objects at anytime. She mainly does this with weapons (or even normal objects if say for example she has lost her cell phone). The limits of this ability are that she can only move non-sentient objects (nothing that is alive), she must be able to clearly picture the object in her mind, and she can only summon 2-3 things at once. With Demon blood in her system, she can summon many objects all at once and also in fact move sentient beings through portals if she needs to, although this puts a lot of stress on her and can leave her dazed and on the verge of conciousness depending on how much of an extent she uses the ability.
    • Telekinesis - Alexis has the normal amount of telekinesis the other Acolytes do. She likes to combine this ability with her Portalkinesis to control objects that she has just summoned. When under the influence of Demon blood, the combination can be pretty deadly.
    • Premonitions - like the other Acolytes, although hers become a lot stronger when she dreams.
    Background: Was raised by her father until the age of 4 until he died from illness. She was taken in by her father's sister, but because of how unusual Alexis was... she was just as suddenly ditched by her Aunt and literally sent to the streets to fend for herself. Despite being left alone, she did draw the attention of a homeless woman who kept an eye out for her our of pity for the young girl. Alexis ended up becoming street smart rather fast out of neccessity. It was either that, or death. Although, it seems her trauma made it so she never truly opened up to the woman who too later ended up ditching her. Other people in her position took notice too, but they never seemed to pay heed to the girl unless they wanted something. This is how Alexis survived, by adapting quickly and never settling into routine, and always being alone...
    When she was around 11 that's when she began to awaken truly to her powers, in particular her PortalKinesis developed really fast. Thanks to this ability she was able to survive relatively well on the street by summoning objects as she needed them despite being just a child... such survival is an incredible feat and from having to survive from such a young age, it explains why Alexis is the way she is today. If she ever got into hardships (fights), she was even without any sort of training a skilled fighter and became known as 'The "Untouchable" girl (the name later became "Untouchable Queen" as she grew older)' as no one, not once was ever able to lay a finger on her (unknown to Alexis, this was down to her super human reflexes), although Alexis herself hated the nickname that later turned her into some sort of legendary figure among the street dwellars. She was still on the streets up until a month ago (see the first RP thread for more details about how she was augmented into the Acolytes) when Lenny finally came across her as the 'Acolyte he had seemingly missed'. Alexis had understandably been wary of Lenny and resisted him at first (the two won't talk about what happened in that fight the day she was found), only finally being persuaded to back down once she realised he had powers like her. This means she was 18 at the time of her recruitment and had lived on the streets for an astonishing 14 whole years.
    Personality: Can be rather cold to everyone for obvious reasons, and tends to be a bit of a loner because that is all she really knows. She finds it hard to trust people because... well, there isn't really anyone she has ever been able to trust before.
    Note: Edited colours to the image are by me - link to the original image: http://www.advancedanime.com/pictures/normal_anime_girl_with_gun.jpg
    Favorite Weapon: Anything she can summon really with her portalkineses. On some days she might like daggers/knives, on others she might fancy using guns (once she is trained up with them)... on days with Demon blood in her, she might decide that she likes them all.
    - She cannot remember what her surname is.
    - Doesn't know when her own birthday is, so her age is an approximation. Lenny has decided to treat her birthday date as the same day that he found her and bought her to the Acolytes.
    - Has tried to take up a hobby and has found that she is surprisingly pretty good at cooking.
    - Alexis has the youngest recorded age of the earliest use of her core powers for when she awoke to her powers at the age of 11. This means that even though she's not as experienced as the other 3 Acolytes that come before her when it comes to the supernatural forces, Alexis does have more experience when it comes to controlling her powers.
  6. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    User name: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Luce Shadow
    Age: 21
    Gender: female
    Powers: All Luce's powers are much stronger (duh) when she's high and they cause more damage to her.
    -Telekenisis- She can move objects a little farther than other acolytes but is still perfecting it.
    -Superhuman strength- just enough to handle the daily demon.
    -Death touch- not strong enough to instantly kill everything but enough to make her a formidable hand to hand combatant.
    -Premonitions- much more vivid than others and usually leave her with a short term memory loss type thing.
    -Demon Excorsism- (like how Sam does on the show) slowly, painful to both demon and her but effective. Leaves her with a nose bleed.
    Background: Luce's father, after witnessing the death of his wife, attempted at raising Luce on his own. Her powers showed up when she was 6 years old and she accidently killed a girl mocking her silver hair. Her father turned to physical abuse a year after the incident, trying to find his own outlet for the series of deaths caused by his own daughter and eventually he killed himself when she was 8. Luce raised herself ever since, using what money she could obtain by selling whatever she had. Her possessions...her extra clothes...her family heirlooms...and finally when she had nothing left, her own body. Living on the streets, Luce became like the rats and cats that kept her company...savage, indifferent, cold and cautious. On her 15th birthday, it was raining, curling in a box she'd found, she prayed with all her heart she would finally die. Lenny found her before she could catch anything more serious than a cold and took her in. Ever since, she's seen him as the father she couldn't have. Despite the horror of the explanations of demons and Azazel, she accepted her fate without hesitation and used her time daily to practice what she could. Meeting Adam after he'd brought him home, Luce took a slight dislike to the boy and an even greater dislike of Scott when he arrived.
    Personality: Luce is usually a cold woman with no room for failure. She never misses a detail in her visions and is easily disippointed by others. Her sunny and cheerful side only shows up when she drinks or is high. She also has a daddy complex and doesn't take well to those who mock it. The only ones that know, thankfully, are Lenny, Adam and Scott.
    Appearance: http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/W/WE/WER/WEREWOLFGIRL101/1224202802_9064_full.jpeg
    Favorite Weapon: She has two dual pistols strapped to her thighs, one with silver bullets, the other with salt filled bullets, she likes to call them Ebony and Ivory (yes after Devil May Cry). She carries an iron knife with her, hidden somewhere in the many pockets in her jeans and several other assorted deadly utensils in her car.
    Other: Despite Luce's aversion to people, she works the bar more than most. It remains to be seen if her hatred of Scott is an act to cover for something she's ashamed to admit or not. She also has a bad habit of lighting cigarettes without smoking them and simply burning marks in her arms when she does something foolish. (Happens a lot around Scott)
    Car: Ford GT Heritage with demon traps in the roof, floor, doors and anywhere else a demon could hitch a ride.
  7. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Username: Midnight Star
    Name: Eliza Moon
    Age: 17
    Electrokinesis - The strongest of her abilities, allowing her to control electricity. Eliza can create potent electric shocks on touch with something, sending a large amount of electricity directly to whatever she touches. She can also create large electric bolts out of the palms of her hands, though she has less control of this, she can only direct it in the right general direction. She can power up or destroy anything electronic as well using this.
    Super Strength - Even though she is very small, she is one of the strongest out of the group.
    Telekinesis - The normal amount
    Premonitions - Like the other Alcolytes.
    Background: Eliza grew up with her dad, they didn't have much money but they got by. She learned early on that she couldn't afford to waste anything and often went without. She didn't mind though, she was happy, even if she didn't have what the other kids had. She was very close to her dad and she'd always try to help out in any way that she could.

    However because of her extremely small size and sometimes coming to school without certain things which gave away how poor they were, she quickly got bullied. She didn't tell anyone about it, she didn't want to burden others with her troubles. She backed herself into a corner, she didn't have many friends and most people kept away from her like she was a rabid dog. She still kept quiet about it, determined to see it through. As she got older, the bullying got worse and turned from name-calling to physical being beaten up. She tried to fight back, but that just made it worse. It didn't help that she still remained very small for her age. Despite this, she still refused to ask anyone for help, deciding instead to teach herself to fight. She slowly improved but if she got one of them then more would just gang up on her.

    When she was only 13, her powers rapidly materialised and in a fight she accidentally gave one of the bullies a strong electric shock sending him unconscious. Believing that she had killed him and fearing that she would get her dad in trouble, that night she packed her stuff and left home. The rest of her powers materialised shortly after that, which meant she survived okay. She found it very tough at the start as she struggled to control her powers; she was used to having little but she did not know how to fend for herself and the sleeping outside was hard for her. She somehow managed to get by and she found it became easier as time went on. She learnt to use her small size as an advantage, everyone always underestimated her, which suited her just fine. Through all this, she still believed she was a murderer and hated herself for it. She kept moving around from place to place, always on the lookout, with the belief that one of these days, out of nowhere someone would come and punish her.
    Personality: Eliza is an optimist, despite everything that she goes through, she always tries to look on the bright side of everything and believes that if you work hard and keep on living then good things will come. She's quite suspicious of everyone she first meets but once she trusts someone she will open up and remain loyal to her friends. She sometimes acts quite naive or childish and loves to have fun, often seeming not to understand the full seriousness of the situation. However even if she doesn't show it, she is well aware of the harsh realities of life and will fight hard, especially when her friends are in danger. She has a quiet determination that means that she won't give up, no matter what obstacles stand in her way. She also deep inside hates herself a lot and feels she has to redeem herself, but she won't tell anybody that.
    She is very petite and as a result if often thought to be younger than she actually is.

    Favourite Weapon: A small pistol that she keeps hidden on her belt, with special iron bullets. She also has a few bullets with a wire attached to them, giving her a direct line to electrocute them with from a distance.
    Other: The things in her hair are actually small iron knives and lock-picking tools but she only uses them in an emergency because it's her secret and it means she has to sort out her hair again after.

    Celine Demon~
  8. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Name: Zeke Caster
    Age: 19
    • Incineration Touch- Without any Demon Blood Zeke can caused at least third degree burns. With demon blood he can set his enemies on fire by touching them.
    • Invisibility - Tends to only use this when stealth is needed.
    • Premonition - The same as the others.
    Background: Ever since the mysterious death of his mother, Zeke father was working hard to make ends meet for the both of them. He managed to keep their troubled situation under wraps for 13, but Zeke eventually took notice to certain things. People kept coming to the house asking for tax money and phone calls asking for the same thing continued for 2 year until his father lost hope and committed suicide. It wasn't long before Zeke was placed into a orphanage where he stayed there a year before he was adopted. While the next three years of his life was better, He still missed the time he spent with his father.
    Personality: Once his father had died Zeke had become quiet and tended to keep to himself. While he does occasionally speak his mind, he mostly stays in his thoughts. If you can get past his outer personality you'll see that he's really a nice guy to be around.
    Appearance: http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/Wyrmfoot/Anime Guy/GunnedDown.jpg
    Favorite Weapon: He prefers to use two Desert Eagles that he's spray painted black and gold.

    Celine Demon
  9. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Did you guys know that if someone's posted in a subscribed thread, you don't get an alert? I thought this was half-dead >> I miss having a UserCP.
    Anyway! I'm glad we actually have new people! You guys are very welcome to join. However, there is one issue with both your profiles that should be amended before we start.
    1. Midnight Star - Sorry, but I can't allow a spear. Supernatural is set in the modern world, our world, and is meant to be realistic. A spear would be too...much. Scott was allowed a sword because it's actually going to play a role much later on, assuming the RP makes it that far. Besides small blades (knives and daggers), Demon-Killing Knives, and guns, Scott's sword is (for now *hint hint*) the only other weapon. Guns are usually the weapon of choice.2. Master of Keyblades - Invisibility, Incineration Touch, and Electrokinesis are too much. I'll allow Invisibility and one of the other two.
    We'll get started when these are amended. Everything else is perfect~
  10. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Problem Solved.
  11. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    That's the one I was hoping you'd go with!
  12. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Changed, I still don't like guns but everyone else seems to have knives. Plus I hope you'll let me keep the things in her hair~

    Also you should get an alert if someone posts in a watched thread, a little '1' on the symbol at the top but if you ignore it, it will vanish. It will appear in your watched threads but if you go on the thread or off khv without seeing it, I think it vanishes. I posted my OC form before the update so you wouldn't have been notified.
  13. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    I used to get emailed when a thread I was subscribed to got a new post.
    I had no idea this had been posted in except by coming across it by chance. :/

    It didn't even show up in My Watched Threads thing.
  14. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Midnight Star, that works!
    I keep forgetting to check the "Watched Threads" link to see if it shows up. Strangely enough, I had an Alert this morning that it was posted in, but I don't recall that showing up before. Xenforo isn't a fan of Subscribed threads, it seems :/

    Anyway, we will start either in 10 or so minutes or 10 or so hours. I have class then work, but I'm trying to get everything sorted into the OP and then the thread started before class, at least to have some character dialogue going. We're going to go with the original plan that Luce, Adam, and Scott are the original Acolytes. Then Alexis was found roughly a month ago, revealing that there are more Acolytes. Tatum, Zeke, and Eliza are the three newest, found within days of each other so they haven't had any missions.

    For those new members, Nagisa Adelheid controls a bad guy. Exactly who and what this bad guy is is supposed to be a mystery so there is no OC form for him available. So don't freak out when he posts because he is in the RP lol.

    Also, his partner is:

    Username: Boy Wonder
    Name: Thanatos
    Species: White-Eyed Demon
    • Telepathy, telekinesis, mind control
    • Superhuman strength and endurance
    • Able to see and overpower Reapers.
    • Thanatos' main two abilities is his "Fiery White Light" that can destroy objects like an explosion and his control over the elements, something unique to just him. He's able to move water, fire, earth, wind, and even light, though he can't generate them. He needs a source to work from.
    Background: One of the first Demons to exist, Thanatos can be considered the Demonic version of Adam as Lilith is the Demonic version of Eve. He has a secret motive separate from Azazel and he doesn't ally himself with the Yellow-Eyed Demon, though he does have a connection to him. Azazel is the only Demon that can travel from Hell and Earth at will, but Thanatos escaped Hell long ago through a secret method that other Demons don't use.
    Personality: Sadistic, but sophisticated.
    Appearance: Click Here
    Other: Just like Scott, Thanatos uses a sword in battle, though he rarely unsheathes it as he doesn't like to get his hands dirty. His sword is identical to Scott and no other Demon can wield it.
  15. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.

    Odd thing is... now that I've posted in the thread. I'm getting alerts for it.

    On another note... WOO! We're finally starting!

    Also... on Thanatos's OC form, you said his sword is identical to Scott...

    So essentially, Thanatos goes around swinging a super strength Acolyte hmm? XD *shot*
  16. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    LOL, a super strong and arrogant Acolyte.

    Also, does anyone remember the date Supernatural comes back on with the new season?
  17. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    I'm too lazy to google and check, but I think it's October 10th.
  18. Twilight_Nobody13 Chaser

    Sep 25, 2010
    Beyond Time and Death; Valhalla
    Ah, here it is. Fortunately, I am not too lazy to google it. It is...October 3rd. Yay! Can't wait....and then...I will purchase the next season on DVD and my collection shall grow! MUHAHAHA! *ahem* whoops...little bit of evil snuck outta me there.[DOUBLEPOST=1345736872][/DOUBLEPOST]

    To commemorate the occasion of starting.
  19. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    That gives me another reason why I can't wait for October.
  20. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Wtf. That's overpowered! XD Well, the weekend is coming up so we should be starting soon I guess. 8D
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