i seriously need to know,is there a way to get infinite health for player 1 without it giving it to player 2?And i need other codes for it. Also,can someone please post codes for legend of spyro:Eternal Night codes for ps2 please.
Try these: (M) B4336FA9 4DFEFB79 E3C41ECF 9E116654 05B7B8C4 A68E5DC5 1F0E5004 0BC840AB Infinite Health P1 6392E80C 2B27E6B1 BA887B5E 05A4A4E9 933017E5 5FFCA57F 9033E8D0 B2582031
i forgot all about this thread...i cant believe that that infinite health code was messin up,so does any one have codes for this game?