Hello. Just made a discovery online that people have claimed to summon characters from media, as well as travel to their worlds, though it's not the same concept as in fiction. I am feeling nervous about how to approach this idea, but I'll let it slide for now. If you could travel to a fictional world, what would it be, and why? And for characters, who would you summon?
Hmm, this is hard. I wouldn't really want to be limited to one. At the moment I'd probably say Gallifrey, as the Doctor could take me anywhere [or when] in space and time. As for the character, Dean Winchester. <3<3<3
Special powers =/= better >:L Besides, witty remarks + an overpowering desire to protect what's dear to him + constant angsturbating? GORGEOUS!!!1!
MAN. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Because I am on a slow tablet and before I left to watch FIVE EPISODES IN A ROW I saw that one gif on my PC and just had to use it. Both of them have their priceless moments...