Kingdom Hearts II summary of new trailers

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by methol, Mar 30, 2007.

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  1. methol Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 21, 2007
    Ok I would like to write a summary of what happens in both the KH2 trailer and the new KH2: FM+ trailer because it is fast paced.

    Ok here we go

    Starts in the desert with ansem reports scrolling up the screen.

    Flash of a new keyblade

    Flash of a dead monster

    A new knight is revealed holding a keyblade over his shoulder a mirage is formed, the mirage and the real knight reform together as the knight turns his head to one side.

    To his left there is a knight with womanly features such as a purple suit and a breastplate, she is also smaller.

    To the right we another knight although not as womanly looking he does not look masculine as the knight in the middle, he seems small and young; his horns on his helmet are not as big as the middle knights.

    All three knights carry keyblades

    The middle carries one that is very large it is weighed over his shoulders.

    The feminine one has a small keyblade that is curved she wields hers in a backhand fashion never seen before.

    The younger knight carries his keyblade in a normal fashion. It looks like a wire frame of the kingdom key

    All the keyblades held by the knights seem worn out and not as decorative as the others seen in the games, they also bear no key chains.

    The middle knight walks off the monster.

    There lies three keyblades in the middle is the kingdom key the key wielded by sora.
    To the left we see the way to dawn, the key wielded by riku in the world that never was.
    In addition, to the right there is the inverted kingdom key wielded by Mickey Mouse.

    The knights walk towards the keys.

    The monster dissipates into thin air as they walk towards the keys.

    Each knight pulls out a key.

    The middle knight pulls out the kingdom key

    The feminine one draws the inverted key

    The younger one draws the way to dawn

    Notice that these keys do have chains.

    We are shown a cross roads made of keyblades all with ought keychains; one to take notice of is fenrir.

    Something catches the knight’s attention as they all turn to look forward-looking into the distance we see an approaching figure.

    Words flood the screen:

    Master of keyblade

    The lost two

    Memory of xehanort


    Keyblade war


    The figure is revealed to be an old man wearing clothes similar to xehanorts heartless, we are then shown the knights but notice they are not holding the keys they earlier took from the ground.

    as the old man approaches a mirage is made and another knight is created, this one wears darker armor which seems more like skin, his armor looks like that of rikus inwich it is ribbed he also has the same shoes as riku and wears a skirt like thing.

    They keep on walking

    The screen focuses to the knights where the younger knight try’s to fight but is held back by the middle knight who then runs to attack.

    The old man and the dark knight stop, the old man manifests the earth easily creating two pillars, one where the old man is standing, the second where the other 2 knights are.

    This leaves the middle knight in a ditch, he loses footing, and falls, he quickly gets back up to see the old man rising into the clouds looking back down at him.

    The dark knight jumps down and sends lightning with him, the lightning hits the middle knight; the lightning causes intense damage to the knights armor, although the knight still gets up.

    The younger knight dashes past the middle knight this time he is not stopped.

    the middle knight and the young knight charge towards the old mans pillar, the old man casts a spell manipulating air, this creates a tornado which sucks in the keyblades in the cross roads.

    The young knight and the feminine knight fight the dark knight; the dark night uses ice magic to attack as well as blows from his keyblade.

    The feminine knight turns to see the keyblade tornado and she attempts to run away from it, the dark knight mounts the tornado by riding on the keyblades, from here he shoots ice attacks at the two fleeing knights.

    The dark night jumps of the tornado, which slams, into the wall only skimming the young knight slightly, the dark night attempts to hit the feminine knight with ice magic.

    The young knight jumps out and tries to hit the dark knight but he easily parry’s, the feminine knight, then attacks with lightning, he jumps onto the tornado which absorbs the lightning.

    The tornado moves up the ridge inwich the middle knight has climbed up to, it only just misses the knight until the land under his feet is blown away.

    He falls as the feminine knight watches helplessly, the middle knight grasps onto the cliff with his gauntlet, and he ends up ripping a ridge out of the cliff, creating a wall between him and the tornado.

    However, another tornado is summoned from beneath, the feminine knight is blown upwards, but then falls back to ground, the middle knight is sucked into the tornado.

    a large rock falls to the ground and only just misses the feminine knight, the young knight goes to her aid, the feminine knight's helmet has been damaged and removed, she suddenly uses reflect magic on the middle knight to protect him.

    The magic protects the knight but he is still being thrown up into the sky, the magic explodes, the explosion reflecting off the old mans brimming red eyes,

    The feminine knight is revealed to indeed be a girl.

    She and the young knight look on at their friend, as they lay low to dodge falling blades.

    The young knight run towards his friend as the women knight watches too tired to move.

    The middle knight falls to the ground showing that he took damage from the explosion as well, he quickly gets up lunging towards the old man who turns around wielding a keyblade of his own, equipped with a keychain as well.

    They return hits but the knight being tired and battered is too slow, and is easily blocked, the old man then uses ice magic on the knight’s arm, which fires him, back a fare distance.

    The ice creeps up the middle knight’s arm slowly towards his face.

    The young knight then appears behind the old man ready to strike until the old man suddenly moves, the old man catches the young knight’s helmet and holds him in his hand by the young knight’s head.

    The middle knight is suddenly alerted as the young knight squirms and panics, the pressure of the old mans grasp cracking his helmet.

    The middle knight runs towards the old man but is stopped by a tornado mounted by the dark knight who rejoins the old man.

    The middle knight is thrown of the cliff, falling towards the ground being propelled by the keyblade tornado.

    The women knight looks to see the young knight being held in the hands of the old knight, she is worried.

    The young knights helmet smashes revealing the young knight is a boy, his bright blue eyes show the reflection of the women knight as you can see her paniced face.

    Suddenly the young knights armor is smashed to bits as he is incased in ice...frozen.

    He is dropped of the side of the cliff falling towards the ground, hitting the cliff side as he falls, his keyblade breaks but his body is catched by the girl who stops him from smashing.

    The women knight looks into the eyes of the young boys; you see his blonde hair the resemblance to roxas is uncanny. *edit: the boys eyes flicker meaning he isnt dead only incased in ice...

    The women’s breathing gets deeper as her emotions run wild with sorrow.

    The old mans keyblade is turned into a dark energy in the shape of a flame which the old man holds in his hands, the energy shoots into the clouds.

    Over the graveyard of keyblades, a bright line shimmers through the clouds.

    The women knight looks up to see the clouds part.

    Kingdom Hearts is revealed once again.

    The old man grinning with the look of achievement in his eyes.

    The middle knight rips of his helmet to reveal himself to be a much older looking male. His eyes bright yellow with rage at what he is seeing.


    We then see for a split second a peaceful quit desert..., which is then turned, into a dark place with kingdom hearts looming over it.
    In the middle of the desert is a castle that looks like the castle in TWTNW.

    We then see Mickey with an angry look on his face, he holds the star seeker keyblade, this keyblade belongs to yen Sid his former master and mentor. Yen Sid is a highly regarded wizard.

    In addition, that is it.

    I hope you liked my over view of the two trailers oh and something more.

    did u know that the only 2 recognizable keyblades shown are infact the fenrir and the one Leon gives to u in kh2....u can see it laying down when the women knight falls after being knocked up into the sky how strange hmm ?.

    edit* thanks to MOOn3y for pointing out that the blonde haired knights eyes still flicker when he is in ice
  2. M00n3y Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 4, 2006
    sitting on a chair
    Lots of detail, nice job ^^
    Only one little thing, after seeing the HQ version, I was sure that once the young knight (roxas lookalike) was frozen, his eyes moved. This means that he's not dead! Well, at least I hope >.>

    wow!! great detail. you get rep.
  4. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Good job, methol.

    *keeps this bookmarked*
  5. methol Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 21, 2007
    hehe yeah it was a lot of typing uggh i have like ricket fingers.

    but yeah if theres anything u want to add ill be sure to look back at the videos and change it


    yes i looked back and his eyes do move ill change it.
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