Suggestion Index [Read Before Suggesting]

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by Chevalier, Jan 17, 2012.

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  1. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island
    In here are all the suggestions which have been rejected. You may use this for reference or to know if a certain feature was turned down. THERE ARE NO ACCEPTED SUGGESTIONS IN THIS INDEX. Feel free to look in here for any suggestion you want to catch up on, or bump to see if there's any development.

    Q & A

    It's because suggestions which are accepted are more often than not enforced right away. And after some time may become obsolete or changed somehow. Maybe accepted suggestions will be put up in the future, but it takes quite a bit of work.

    Oooh, nice catch!

    That's because some suggestions are obsolete to the present time of the site, and would look somewhat strange. But if you feel any should be added here, feel free to contact me.

    What red? There's no red. Your eyes have gone mad!

    No, not really. There are red colored suggestions. These are Pending Suggestions which are still open for discussion. Feel free to bump the threads with red color.​

    What!? That's not a question >:L

    And no, you shouldn't bump every thread for the sake of it. If you feel that something would be beneficial to the site and it's members, then sure go ahead. But remember not to bump everything repeatedly. Staff have a lot to do as it is, and constantly nagging about something would just be stressful. Bide your time and if you really have to bump something, give it some time between each bump.​

    What does each one mean? Well, that's simple. They're divided into types, and each type is divided into whatever fits into that's actually a lot simpler than it sounds!

    I'll explain the different suggestions that we have so that you can have an idea of what each means:​

    So you see, it's not that hard at all. I'm sure you'll find your way around soon enough. As it stands User Suggestions are not up yet, but don't worry, they'll be put up soon.​

    Geez, no need to be so crabby D;

    But since you've offered, you can help by informing Staff about any suggestion which isn't on the list or that is no longer pending. That way, they can keep this list up-to-date with all the suggestions which are pertinent.

    That's all for questions today. Come again later!​

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