Which one is best? Personally, I like subs better. The voices are way cooler and more believable. EDIT: I should have made this into a poll. Oops. :/
It really depends with me. Sometimes the dubs are better than the subs because I understand more when I hear English voices. Probably the only thing where I prefer dubs over subs is Advent Children--I hate Cloud's Japanese voice; it's too deep and scary ;~; For everything else I watch, definitely subs.
Well, I made this thread just to discuss the Naruto subs and dubs.. *this is the Naruto section, afterall =P*. Some dubs, I do like. FMA, for example, has a good English dub. Naruto, on the other hand, has a crappy dub.
:P I keep wishing someone would come along and make dubs much more bearable to watch... But it ain't gonna happen anytime soon. I minus well learn Japanese and move to Japan. ;) Subs all the way!
Damn, maybe if Naruto was on Adult Swim it would be better >.< But subs are better, and they are almost to the time skip ^^
The Naruto Sub is better, the voice actors in the dub sound right, but they sound so bland and haven't got the same feel to it.
I wouldn't go as far as it sucks, for a dub it is pretty decent, everything is pretty much the same as the japanese version, nothing really editted, it's only the voice acting, which is the downfall for alot of dubs.
It really dosent matter to me, I enjoy both for Naruto. (Why the hell does EVERYBODY hate the Naruto english dub? I mean it is really annoying when people complain like that!!!)
I prefer the subs. the pronuctiations tick me off in english >.> i have to repeat it back to myself correctly or it'll annoy me ((long story)) xD anywyas, I've always been a sub fan =3 the only anime I prefer in dub is Saiyuki ((first 50eps. and the movie))
Subs all the way. I feel the Japanese voice actors really bring out the character that they are playing.