Well, I can now officially be called the worst piece of stupidity you'll ever see in your life. I mean, come on, I know I have problems but this is just so frickin stupid it belongs on Worlds Dumbest. So I've got a bedroom in the basement and the fire escape doesn't have anything over it, meaning things fall in from time to time. Most often these being rabbits that live under a tree right next to our house. So a few days ago I noticed yet another rabbit stuck next to my window. And this one was about the size of my fist, so a baby. Now, I've got a bad problem with memory loss, I can lose it within seconds or maybe I'll remember it one day and forget the next. So my dad was busy working on the car and I never told him. I wanted to get it out myself but I'm not sure if that would have been a good idea. We might have had a baby rabbit running around the house. So I wait to tell him. Then, I just seem to forget that the rabbit is stuck in the fire escape. Now here's the really stupid part that just can't be explained. I had trouble sleeping last night, and suddenly I remembered I had completely forgotten about the rabbit until last night, because I was suddenly thinking that I hadn't heard any noise from outside my window in a while. I go to look, and guess what I find......I baby rabbit corpse. I swear, how bad can I mess up? This is just bad, I mean, I can't describe this. Now what am I supposed to do? We're not going to bury the thing, and I can't just put it outside the fire escape. What the heck am I supposed to do?
I don't think you should beat yourself up so bad. A lot of people forget important things. I forget a lot of important things. As for the baby rabbit, I'm sorry for it's loss, but these things do happen. I think you should just tell your parents the truth. I'm sure they'll understand. That would be better if they just found out on their own 'cause then they'd ask you why you didn't tell them. Memory works in the strangest ways, but it can always be fixed. I learned if you do a lot of memory games, or play something over and over, you remember it easier. I hope this helps, and I hope you don't beat your self up on this too bad.
well, I can't I'm beating myself up per se, just that I'm annoyed by the fact that I left a baby rabbit to die in a hole and I completely forgot about it.
Yea that is a shame, but maybe that baby wasn't supposed to live for very long. I always see life as "Things happen for a reason" kind of thing. If that happened at my place, I'm the hawks we have would just as easily picked him off the ground. I'm not trying to be mean, just rational.
yeah, my mom kinda thinks of things that way as well. I don't know, I'm not too much of that kind of person. But can you really use that excuse when you could have gotten the rabbit and yet you left it there because you didn't want to have it running in the house in case it got through the window? Things might happen for a reason, but I think that we also have the choice of making them happen or not
Whabbit stew is always an option. Burning things is fun. Time travel back to before you left the rabbit in a hole(irony there). I'm outa ideas that are actual options, it's the Circle of Life as they say. I do know your pain of forgetfulness, happens all the time.
How your nature to easily forget shouldn't be the blame for your actions. Like Buster said, don't beat yourself up for this. I easily lose and forget things as well. And this is a guy who has lost a dozen electronics that cost my dad hundred of dollars to buy. Only cursing at yourself and calling yourself stupid won't solve the situation. We are very sorry for the lost, but you must not get worked up or bring yourself down with this situation. If you easily forget things, it really pays off to have a memo pad around, or something to remind of what must be done. Make it a habit to both write down what's important and to check in case you forget. Another thing, and it might sound crazy, but actually saying stuff aloud will help you retain short-term memories. When my mind is cluttered, I often say what I do either physically aloud or think to myself to keep myself at a focused state. That or, if it is in your preference, eat fish. Fish can help improve memory. I used to eat a lot of fish when I was younger, and since I'm not granted that possibility anymore, puzzle games help compensate for that :P
Aqua, you're not stupid. There are a lot of people that constantly forget things. There are also people that have worse issues, such as dyslexia. Have you tried seeing a doctor? I'm no expert on any kind of memory loss, but that would probably be your best bet.
yeah, umm, I'm not seeing a doctor for my memory. It's just that my memory kinda works that if I don't either keep thinking about it within a certain amount of time or there's something to remind me(and I'm not talking about a memo pad, because I don't really take notes for things like that)then I just forget what it was that I was remembering. It could last for only a minute or it could last for 6 months, it works in a funky way. The moment I eat fish is the moment I die. I hate fish with a passion. I play memory games now and then, but they never seem to help.
Baby steps is the keyword to memory loss. Trust me, I posted a thread a couple months ago asking how to help me remember to shut the cupboards and rinse the dishes and other things that are the key to a happy household where I live now. Some suggestions others gave me was a ring. Wear a ring on your finger, and it would be like your "I have to do something" ring. And as soon as you find out what it is and do it, switch the ring to a different finger or hand. Another suggestion would be sticky notes. They're not expensive, and they're really easy to spot. Just write down a memo, stick it where you will see it (on your bed, wall, door, mirror, all that stuff), and then wallah. Once you did the task or remembered to do what you told yourself with the memo note, crumble it up and throw it away. A third suggestion would be to repeat in your mind what you have to do. Repeat to yourself ten times the task you have to do, whether it be out loud or mentally, and then go do it. Or if you have to do something else, keep repeating it in your head so that you won't forget. The more you repeat it, the less likely you are to forget it. It could take you ten times, it could take your a hundred times. But at least it'll work. And what I've been reading, I don't think it's technically memory loss you're dealing with here. I could be wrong, but it sounds like you have ADD. Do you find that your room gets messy? Or your desk area gets cluttered? Do you find yourself starting a project, but never finishing it? Those are signs you have it. But don't take it as a label. People with ADD get distracted all the time and loose focus what they were suppose to do and don't remember it till way later until someone yells at you because of it, or remember it at the wrong time. What I've been taught is to hyper focus. Like I said, repeating what you have to do helps you remember. If you have to do a task right then and there, focus directly on the task until you're completely done with it. Don't wander off, don't think about doing something else, stick with it until you're done and then you can focus on other things. (I'm a fellow ADD person myself, so that's why I know this stuff) Some good memory games are puzzles, Sadoka math puzzles, search and find (Like the I Spy books and Where's Waldo), and even other mind games like Scrabble are good for ya too. If you don't like fish, I heard blue berries help with memory loss too. And lastly, don't be so hard on yourself, ya? :glomp: If you do that, you'll keep think negatively and then you'll have more problems besides memory loss. Take it easy, people make mistakes. The rabbit is in carrot heaven right now, and it certainly doesn't blame you for falling down into the fire escape. I had problems with fire escapes myself. Heck, I had a bunny corpse and a baby bird corpse to deal with too. *Hugs* It's okay. It's just another process, not an event in life. An event is like a wedding and you remember it clearly. A process is like a learning experience. You take it, learn from it, and move on by letting go what hurt you the most. It's hard, but it's so worth it. You'll have less on your shoulders that way.
well, it's either ADD or Aspergers, one of the two. But I know I shouldn't have, but that last part made me laugh. In carrot heaven, hehehe. But I used to like puzzles, like actual puzzles or things like Sudoku, but they got boring after a while.
Yeah, I know a lot of people with ADD and Aspergers get bored easily too. Happens to me all the time *coughs*. Try arts and crafts too. Like stuff that makes you concentrate. Liiiike... Scratch Art: http://www.alibaba.com/showroom/magic-scratch-craft.html ~ They're only a dollar at Michael's, and for me, they're really fun to do. All you do is take a a board that already has a faint picture on it, take a tool, and scratch away the drawing to reveal shiney foil underneath. It's really cool once you get close to completing it, and it's fun to do! If you get bored with that, try composing poetry! Or make up a story. If you have a camera at home, make a slideshow with your favorite song on the computer, learn how to play an instrument if you got one, just do what ever you feel like doing for as long as possible. And when you get bored, take a break and move on to something else. Also, reading expands your mind too. Try to read more complicated, but interesting books. Like a variety of things. Like... I would read the Spiderwhick Chronicles, move to Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and then try to plow through Chronicles of Narnia. Do what ever interests you, but don't overwhelm yourself. Take breaks, take baby steps.
let's see, I've read Percy Jackons, Chronicles on Narnia, I'm already writing a novel, I play piano, and other stuff. Got anything I haven't done?