Students and their Ignorance...

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by May Kitsune, Nov 1, 2011.

  1. May Kitsune Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 24, 2011
    So i'm here sitting in class and I was looking around and noticing my teacher arguing with this one girl to do her class work on Virtual school because she is super being and is about to be kicked out of the class and all she is doing is complaining and saying that she did 2 assignments today and my teacher said you still need to work a lot more you're only 15% done with the class and at this point you should be 35% done. Her response in the most disrespectful mocking way said she was susspended from school.

    At this very moment she's just on youtube not doing her work. I really don't understand this... Do these kids really think that bread will just land on their table when they leave their home to start their career...? I just really can't believe how ignorant and excuse me down right STUPID? Sure I know someone has to make me my Whopper at BK but it's so sad...

    I'm only 16 and it saddens even me that people don't even try when it's very simple to just do your work get over it like I do in virtual school i'm already 60% done in my class and I still work ahead to get it over with why don't kids today use their logic...?

    Can someone please explain why these kids don't take the education to their advantage...?
  2. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    Next time, could you please try to make the post into paragraphs? It makes it a lot easier to read.

    Anyway; people are exactly that; stupid. It's often the people who are used to getting everything they point at without having to work for anything. It's quite often the parent's fault, but I still think that the child (I consider people children when they have that sort of mentality) should be able to realize that nothing in life comes free, quite the opposite, most things you have to work for.

    And honestly, in general, people suck...
  3. Rhiscx Banned

    Mar 8, 2009
    Far far away
    I have to say, the title says ignorant not stupid. There is a difference.

    Stupidity deals with a mental ******ation or mentally challenged.
    Ignorance simply means not being aware of a subject.

    I think the crooks of the problem is that most kids simply aren't very eager to learn when young. And if their parents weren't interested in a=n education, how can you expect that child to be interested?
    Being ignorant is not a key to stupidity. Rather, it should be a key to enlighten that student and find a way to get them interested in learning. I'll admit, when I was younger, I was ignorant on how the world worked. I did not know that the way to get a house was by a job, and that jobs required work and no play. But I grew out of that phase, because I had great teachers that found a way to make learning more interesting and fun.

    Most people in high school don't know who they are, what they want, and don't know what the heck is going on in the world. But that doesn't mean we should call them stupid. And if they lack to use common sense, they simply need to be taught it.

    Bottom line: The education system has an agenda and priorities, and the students have their own agendas and priorities. And these two are going to clash head to head more times than counted, and have done so in the past, and will probably continue to do so in the future.

    A final note. I don't really see why your complaining? I think you basically stated this in your paragraph. Some have to do the BK job. Correct! That means as long as you worry about you and nobody else, your set. You will be able to get any high paying job you want, and not have to worry about any local competition.
  4. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    When I said stupid, I was referring to I just really can't believe how ignorant and excuse me down right STUPID? that line :)

    And as far as being eager to learn, that doesn't mean you have a right to be rude about it, which was also pointed out in the OP. That's just lack of maturity, and straight-forward childishness, hence me calling ignorant/stupid/rude people children.
  5. miaulement Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 8, 2011
    The Nether
    Sometimes I think a lot of people take getting an education for granted. They don't realize a lot of others can't get an education, and that they're very lucky to be getting one.

    Maybe some people do realize that, and they just don't care. I don't really know, that's just how I see it.
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Re-read the original post. 16 years of age isn't the pinnical of maturity. Honestly, there really isn't any reason to be excited about school when you're barely in high school. Being rude is the only real problem here but hopefully some ass kicking that the college/university experience gives will straighten things out. Maturity comes with time and usually by getting pushed around in the real world until you get your shit straight. Some people just mature faster than others. *Shrug*

    As for "kids today" using be honest, that's to be expected. Logic a skill that takes quite a long time to build up.
  7. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    I know it was 16 years of age, but I can honestly not recall someone that age being that immature and childlike. When you are 16, people expect things of you, and they should. And yes, one day she will get a foot in her face and we will all rejoice in her ignorance being cured.
  8. Ventus PSP Aqua Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 29, 2010
    βεtwεεn ◊ȴight & Dαrƙness♦
    I'd say most of the students are like that these days of not caring for how their doing at school. They probably think their parents will always provide everything for them but once reality hits them then that's probably when they'll snap out of it and start taking things seriously. Hopefully its not too late when that happens.
  9. Sumi suicidé

    Jan 12, 2008
    the void
    The two main reasons for students not caring to do their work are these:

    1.) Teachers who step-teach vs. concept-teach. Teachers who teach by concepts and thought generally have more receptive classes and students that do not shut down, get frustrated, or stop trying when they encounter a problem. In fact, the kids begin to enjoy their education and value it. When kids are step-taught, they can only follow as much as they are explicitly told to do, causing them to be angry and often disrupt their "learning" out of frustration due to the fact that they don't understand the underlying concept of the material.
    If we could ensure that kids were being taught concepts and ideas, it's more likely that we'd have a "smarter" student base that was more
    -hard working

    2.) Why should they care?
    To be completely honest, even some of the better jobs out there are tough to secure and hardly will pay for a living. Many if not most people either work second (or third) jobs and still have a tough time making it. Managing a Taco Bell is a decent job and pays better than Piloting, usually. A lot of kids realize this. If they can't pay for themselves with a good job, why should they put in the hard work? If there were a guaranteed payoff and any immediate benefit, students would likely be harder working towards their goals.
  10. Daxa~ #stalker

    Feb 20, 2011
    Near, far, Jafar.
    On one hand,I could quite happily rant about people wasting their education etcetc for ages.
    But I guess I would have to accept that in all honesty,I do not work or appricate most of my school stuff all that much...
    As in I do the bare minimum required for most subjects,apart from Histor and English,as I just love those classes.
    Now in a way,teachers are to blame for this...
    But I guess parents play a part.
    This post is starting to ramble,and make no sense.

    /starts again.
    People should try to appricate their education more,as there are many out there who do not have the oppourtunity.
    /ends confusing post.
  11. NemesisPrime Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 4, 2011
    The World That Never Was
    I think the phrase "Youth is wasted on the youthful" comes to mind.
  12. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Sixteen isn't really barely in high school. << I'm 16 and I'm in my last year of high school; granted I have a late birthday, but most people are sixteen in their Junior year. That's eleven years in the school system, not counting preschool & kindergarten. Over half their life.

    Well, there's a lot wrong with the current education system, at least that I've observed here in New York--which is known for having good schools, so I can only imagine how things are in other states/countries. For one thing, I think classes are too based around memorization or simple facts, rather than understanding and letting the kids form educated opinions. Kids are told what to think rather than asked what they think. So it's not surprising that they would become indifferent to it.

    And the focus of school has shifted less from teaching and learning to preparing you for standardized tests (SAT, ACT, APs, here we have ELAs, Regents, etc)--so (dedicated) kids basically cram and cram and cram for the test, then forget everything they learned so that they can cram for the next.

    There's also the kids who pull the argument of "when am I ever going to need to know trig in the real world," which is a valid point. It is a bit shortsighted--there are a myriad of jobs in this world that utilize mathematics, and a hell of a lot that couldn't have been invented or accomplished without them. Still, you can't expect a kid to get enthusiastic about a subject they have no interest in. I'd wager that if this girl was allowed to select the class she was in, rather than being forced into it because that's what kids of her age take, she may be more willing to work.

    The girl you're talking about is being rude, as you all have mentioned; unfortunately, people are going to be like that no matter where you go or what you're doing. Best not to pay mind to them and focus on your own work.
  13. May Kitsune Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 24, 2011
    The thing is she CHOSE Virtual school thinking it would be an easy A and is rude to everyone for every little thing...
  14. ShibuyaGato Transformation

    May 1, 2009
    Well, that must've been quite a rude awakening for her then.

    Most teenagers are snobs. It's a fact. Very few of them care about their future but in part it may because of their lack of choice in the curriculum, as Misty said.

    We talked about this earlier, May. It's just the way people are. Human nature, if you will.
  15. May Kitsune Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 24, 2011
    As I stated earlier.... ^ lol... I really do love an Oreo Shake along with my Whopper and Onion Rings so I'm fine with it but there are going to be WAAAY too many people trying to get the same job which is what saddens me..
  16. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Well, she chose it for the wrong reasons then; she should select classes she's interested in, not ones that she thinks will snag her a high grade without having to earn it. One would hope that she'd learn from this experience to research what the class is all about before selecting it, in the future.
  17. May Kitsune Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 24, 2011
    Sadly by observing her and knowing that she took it last year and failed she won't learn for the future...