Just like me. I can never seem to go for a very long period of time without falling and getting bruised on my knee or elbow.
Try stubbing your down on an entertainment stand, and then falling into the wall while hopping around on one foot. That was painful. Definitely.
quoted and repped for truth. Is your PS2 ok though? You don't want to have to replace that. That's fifty-dollar you could use for something else
S'fine, it's a fat PS2 so it's pretty sturdy and the impact wasn't very hard, lol. It's on the verge of death anyway, picture flickers (though to be fair I think that's the A/V cable and not the console) and the disc tray is really slow and kind of loud when it opens. I've had it since '02 so I'm just happy it's hung on this long to be honest xD.
we had a fat ps2...for about 2 hours. I'm being genuinely serious here. My parents bought us a PS2 as a gift, we started playing, just a little while after, the thing stopped working on us. They took it back to gamestop, which was conveniently right next to the apartment complex, and got a PS2 slim, which has lasted us till now. Although no one's plugged it back in yet. Though I guess that's to be expected when you had a 360 to play and new games to mess with after years on a PS2.