Not even kidding. Some dudes were seriously trying to chase me while I was walking home from work. And they were either fat or slow. Or both. -shrugs- Let's talk about strange things that happen to us.
strange things always happen in new york...once an entire subway line was screwed up because a hobo set fire to the train tracks.
Why do you have your teacher's phone number? I had a random kid place his hand on my shoulder and say "Hey, I haven't seen you in so long!" Problem: I have never seen him in my entire life.=0
I've had several of my teachers' numbers. Usually for help on a project, or a field trip or stuff. Except for one who I was having an affair with. His life partner was mad when he found out >>
Last month or so I went to a rave and I met someone I hadn't seen in a long time. Me and my friend started talking to her, had a short conversation and then she went to look someone. So I turned to my friend and I said "Long time since we saw her, huh?" and said friend asked: "Who?". Turns out that person was never there and that whole scene never happened. I had a completely normal and relatively sober evening, safe for that one moment.
When I was nine in primary school I had a special bookmark from some place my parents too me on holiday. One time I was reading a book so I removed the bookmark, placing it to one side. When I finished reading I reached for it, but it wasn't there. Saddened, I had to use an inferior bookmark. Several weeks later I took a different book out of the school library...only to find my special bookmark inside! I thought it was magic and that I was going to Hogwarts.