Once upon a time, there was a Lawnmower. The Lawnmower was unhappy with it's life, mainly because as an inanimate object, it didn't have much of one. In truth, it had always wished to be a plane. But being made of the wrong form of carbon, it was a wish that would go ungranted. Years passed, and the lawnmower began to see less and less use, until it was packed away in a box with several other elderly objects, and stored away. But along came a Pokémon Trainer one day, with a recently-traded Rotom in tow. And to the lawnmower's surprise, it was chosen to be host to the Electric Ghost, suddenly gaining the creature's ability - Levitate. And so, at long last, the lawnmower experienced the joys of flight.
I demand a sequel and movie adaption. This story will move the heart's of millions, and revolutionize story-telling as we know it.
Lawnmower needs to be played by David Tennant Pokémon trainer will (ironically) be RDJ and it will be glorious and make so much money