i am bored so i making a story. once there was a shooting star and it went down to a mysterious planet it took form as a baby(a boy); the baby was founded by the king and was taken to the kingdom which he show the baby to his daughter, Briana, so they can be friends while he go find out who baby was it; no one knows who baby was it or the baby's name, so the king named the baby "Suta" for the king think that the baby is connected with the stars. 15 years had passed and the king needed to find someone who will take place as king before he retires and had someone to marry Briana to be worthy of protecting her so he thinks that Suta should do it for he is kind, strong, and brave lucky for the king Suta likes Briana ever since he was the age of 10 and Briana liked him too. so they both agreed on it and during the wedding ceremony before either one of them about to say "I do" these strange creatures appear and started to attack the people. so Suta jumps into action and start attacking the creatures with his weapon, the star blade, and defeated all of them. But then a strange man attack Suta from the back and started to lift his head up. The strange man said "so you must be the strongest warrior in this planet? how pathetic!!!" Suta ask "Who are you? You made this mess? Why are you doing this?" The strange man replied "That is non of your concerns. but no one has ever defeated my minions! so i will have to make you forget how to fight!". Suta memories were scattered in different planets/dimensions "And just so you don't get in my way" the strange man said, he transported Suta to a different planet. And that is part of the story and all im gonna do today. do u like it? do u hate it? please tell me.