steven Haking black hole theory

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Monkeyman, Feb 12, 2007.

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  1. Monkeyman Moogle Assistant

    Dec 20, 2006
    If you know about it then talk about it im lazy so im only gona talk about it if you need me to.
  2. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    *cough*...advertising? <_<

    And yeah. This is probably the BEST theory I like to discuss with people.

    Once me and my friend Jeff talked about using this theory to possibly reach other worlds and thrive more human life on an Earth-2.

    Our idea was that if we could travel fast enough, into the sun, or ANY other black hole, we could rip a hole in the space time continuum and travel into a different dimension/galaxy with different physics properties. Now once we did this we would have to make sure we found a dimension that had the right properties and laws. We'd have to make sure that when we made it there, there WAS planets, and there WERE preplanned evidence of the planets; anyway, we could us other black holes within this second-dimension to jump around, and if we had a galaxy with the correct way of physics (Like say that acceleration is twice as effective, thus you times your overall speed by 2 every time you travel). Then once we were close to our destination, we could use solar parachutes or anti-matter to slow us down, and we could possibly even use glass modules placed throughout to slow us down a LOT.

    This is just USING the theory at what it can OFFER. I personally believe in the black hole theory 100% and think that it could work.
  3. Zero-Cerberus Banned

    Feb 14, 2007
    Where Pigs Fly
    Wow, this sounds like some Star Trek or somthing.
  4. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Darky, that's nice and all, but it will probably never happen...XD

    You see, Black holes are invisible to ANY eye. It's nearly impossible to completely detect one, unless you're keeping an eye out for time distortions. Near the event horizion, which is the fake line that defines wether you are int eh black hole or not, time slows down a TON. Although you feel like you're going at a normal rate, it'd take hours to move a few feet. Also, if you ever enter the time distortion, there's no going back. You're going through the black hole and there's nothing you can do. Now once you reach the event horizion, your molecules are taken apart, piece by pice. You are litterally broken down into your most basic components, then taken into the black hole. No one knows exactly what's ont he other side of one, but when you reach the other side, it is speculated that your are "reformed". Even then, you wouldn't be reformed perfectly, it'd be nearly impossible.

    In conclusion, black holes sound fun and all, but I see no way that we can ever harness their power.

    (Also, it's Stephen Hawking, not Steven Haking...;) )
  5. Zero-Cerberus Banned

    Feb 14, 2007
    Where Pigs Fly

    Holy moly, just reading that made me scared man. LOl, this black hole talk is making my head hurt. *Runs to get ice*
  6. Zero-Cerberus Banned

    Feb 14, 2007
    Where Pigs Fly
    Dude, shut up. There's something called "School" I dunno if you've heard of it, and there somthing else, it's called the "Internet" which you can Google to find some info about it, or maybe you lack intelligence to figure out that you are already on the internet? >_>
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau

    Try not to reply back to that, ZC, this is intelligent. =/

    Anyway, these are things that are being studied in space most frequently, to answer your question. We do need them because according to the idea, we might be able to use them. However, like Cin said, it's hard to be able to when we arent' sure, AND when it is thought you might not appear on the other side alive. =/

    Though this is space, so basically it can do anything, seeing as (I would imagine) that there would be infinite possibilities as to what physics and space capabilities we could find.

    Anyway, it's merely a theory, the actual black-hole probably works a little differently, who knows?
  8. Zero-Cerberus Banned

    Feb 14, 2007
    Where Pigs Fly
    Yeah, I belive in it, Just ignore that other dude. >_>
  9. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Baisically, once you get close enough to a black hole, you've got no chance of getting out of its gravity range. After all, the gravity's so strong, not even light is fast enough to escape (hence a "black hole"). As for what happens when you're inside a black hole, energy is converted into a singularity (whatever's sucked in gets compacted into a tiny stream of energy) after the event horizon occurs.
    ...of course, say if you were sucked into a black hole, there's the possiblity of avoiding the singularity, and fall through a wormhole to another area of the universe instead. Thing is, if the wormhole is very unstable, a slight disturbance could cause you to not see the singularity until you hit it and basically become "spagettified", as my friends and I call it.
    So, chances are that if you get sucked into a black hole, you're dead. :D
  10. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    Of course you're dead. XD I heard when a human is sucked into a black hole, the energy from our bodies can equal to a couple of nuclear bombs exploding. -.- Kinda creepy.
  11. Budabuda Banned

    Dec 14, 2006
    in a hole in the ground next to ur house
    A black hole is just a whirlpool in space, it ends after u get sucked up.

    Plus u cant rip a hole in the space time continuum because time isnt real, its a convenient concept made by man that allows him to make his life rutine, time is based off the movement of the sun, so time is movement of objects not of time
  12. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Black holes don't end when something gets sucked into it, and they're also not whirlpools. Humans don't even know what a black hole looks like, since light can't escape, but we just know they're there since the gravity acts on nearby stars and planets.
    And anyway, one possible end of the universe is something called the Big Rip, when a rip in spacetime occurs and basically time collapses in on itself (something along those lines). I still like the Big Crunch theory though. It's a lot more...hopeful than the others.
    But even after all of this, our entire universe, in theory, could be a drop of dew on a flower on a planet in another universe, and that could be...oh, say a dust particle on a planet in a different universe, and it just keeps going.
  13. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    I know. I've heard a bunch of crap, like another Big Bang and crap like that. They're mostly centered on the Earth though. Like the sun will collide into Earth, and of course, end all life. Or one by one, the planets will get sucked into the Sun by its gravity and burn up. I don't believe much of it though. I won't be around to see it, either.
  14. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Well if the sun does not absorb our planet, there is also another valuable black hole idea brought up by the sun. If we were to travel fast enough into the sun at a rate of around 2,000,000,000 miles per .30 seconds, we could actually cause a fraction in the space time continuum and enter another universe that way.

    Another--not quite black hole--but close to it, theory.
  15. Samurai King's Apprentice

    Oct 20, 2006
    On a distinguished road. OMGWTF!?
    Why are people so interested in this? I mean, what are you hoping to achieve? To find another sign of life? To hope to discover the meaning of life? Well if you do find other beings, I know they would think we're ****ing *******s who won't mind their own ****ing business.

    We have enough problems here in this reality, and on this earth. I think discovering the Moon and Mars and those other ******* planets is enough. There's nothing on them, just a barren wasteland.

    Why go and ruin something good? What, is our universe not enough for people? Should we send more ****ing people into a ****ing black hole, just so they can never ****ing return and waste a whole life?
  16. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    For the record, that was just uncalled for. There's no need to curse us off for discussing a theory we're interested in.
    And by the way, NO ONE HAS BEEN SENT INTO A BLACK HOLE. The nearest one is some thousand light-years away. You'd be long dead before you reach the hole. Mars has signs of once supporting life, as did Venus, so it's possible life existed at one point on both. Same deal with the moon; there's ice in the shadow of craters. Scientists can learn a lot from things on other planets, like what kind of minerals and elements are there, and different compositions of elements as well.
    Granted, we do have plenty of problems. But one reason humans are studying other planets is to possibly relocate there if Earth becomes uninhabitable. Wouldn't you like to live on another planet if Earth was going to be destroyed? I'd certainly like to.
    Darky, that's awesome. I've never heard of that before!
  17. Monkeyman Moogle Assistant

    Dec 20, 2006
    that girl who posted third was right but the second guy was kinda cool so ill give you a black hole theroy refresher the theroy is that upon reaching the effent horizon to you you would safley glide into the black hole but to an outsider watching you would be grusomily distorted rippeing your body matter to pieces. Now steven hawking says that your information you moleculare matter dissapears but this theroy goes against the main law of physice which is that information hnever disapeers it can be distorted or morphed(for lack of a better word). Many scientist disagree with him even though his equation is seemingly flawless
    S= 4hG

    Other physisist have puzled over this equation for years. Other Physisists belive that instead of disapeering you molecular information is smeared over the event horizon also known as the beginning of the black hole. Black holes are esentialy a ridouklously small dense area of matter. When a supernova giant (a really big star for those of you who are inteligently illiterate) explodes it releases tons of matter, the point where the center of the star waz becomes the center for all this mass to conregate it implodes on itself and creates a subatomic sized particle which is really just a very "massive" structure it then creates a gravidy vortex which is why in sci fi movies its potrayed as a black horizontile vortex. Some belive it leads to another dimmensoin but none are willing to enter one for the sacrifice of science.

    Basicly Stephen Hawking is saying that black holes are little teatrs in existance through which information permanetly disapeers thus if you entered a black hole you can never come out.
  18. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    From what I could gather from Monkeyman's post, he's more or less right. Only thing is, if something entered a black hole, it'd probably never get the chance to relay information back. We couldn't send a human, but a probe possibly could get there. Of course, the chances are slim, since the universe is always shifting. Asteroids and other space objects could knock the probe off course as well.
    And could someone explain the String Theory to me? I know the strings are supposed to be the smallest form of matter, and that they make up protons and neutrons...I think...xD

    When a sun causes a supernova (explodes) doesn't it create a black hole where that sun used to be??
  20. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    Yeah. I think if we're to explore black holes, we need to know a bit more about space first. Like you said, asteroids and other explosions could destroy it or set it off course, which would be a waste of money in a way. And of course, if a probe could reach a black hole, chances of it revieving anything useful would be slim. The gravity in a black hole is so powerful, it can pull in light, which could give it limits to what it can and can't give back to Earth.

    And to Darkness, I'm pretty sure you're right...
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