Here's where you will announce your selections for your starter Pokémon. Simply look at the list to see if a starter is still available, and then make your choice by using the following form: Code: I CHOOSE YOU,: (Insert name of starter) For the character: (Which character you intend this starter for) Nickname: (An optional Nickname for your Pokémon; if no name is given, then leave this blank; all the nameless will be given the name of their species.) Genders and Natures have all been assigned to each one at random, and all starters begin at Level 5. Green names signify Grass-types, Red signify Fire-types, and Blue, of course, signify Water-types; Brown indicates a Normal-type and Yellow indicates a Electric-type. If a name is crossed-out, then I'm afraid that particular one is no longer available at this time. Once a Pokémon is selected and first shown in the RP by its owner, then the gender and nature along with their Owner's name beside them and no longer be crossed out (For aesthetics). At this present time, there are only two Shiny Starter Pokémon: Eevee and Pikachu. Key: (Gender M=Male; F=Female)*Nature*Species<Nickname, which is optional>- Trainer ALL STARTER POKÉMON START OUT WITH ONLY THE MOVES: 1.) GROWL 2.) LEER 3.) TACKLE! (M)*Hardy*Bulbasaur (F)*Timid*Charmander (M)*Rash*Squirtle (F)*Sassy*Chikorita<Wurzel>- Melody Jackson (M)*Bashful*Cyndaquil (M)*Hasty*Totodile (M)*Serious*Treecko (F)*Naive*Torchic (M)*Jolly*Mudkip<Juggernaut>- Diopside Verde (F)*Lax*Turtwig- Markus Friedland (M)*Brave*Chimchar (F)*Gentle*Pilup<Glacies>- Joshua Independente (F)*Naughty*Snivy (M)*Adamant*Tepig (M)*Quiet*Oshawott- Logan Kai (F)*Bold*Pikachu- Suzanna Kai (F)*Lonely*Eevee<Eve>-Topaz Nyoko Grass-Types Left: 3 Water-Types Left: 1 Fire-Types Left: 4
I CHOOSE YOU,: Totodile For the character: Gray Hunter I CHOOSE YOU,: Chimchar For the character: Alex Rose
All starters have been selected for the current ceremony; the thread is being locked until a starter event is raised for new members. Thanks to everyone for their cooperation.