Stars Academy- Roleplay Thread

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Hiro ✩, Feb 28, 2016.

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  1. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    The wind stung the young Togruta's face, her Lekku gently rocking in the wind. Looking through her binoculars, she scanned the area for anything strange or out of the ordinary.

    "Ahsoka, do you see anything?" Came the voice of Anakin Skywalker, her Jedi Master.

    She shook her head. "No, nothing. We've been sitting her for hours, Master, I'm sure they'd have come by now if the tip was right..."

    Anakin nodded. "Then I guess the Headmaster was wrong to take the threat seriously. That being said, we shouldn't be so lenient with any new ships coming."

    Ahsoka stared at the ships. She had a feeling they were more than they appeared. All the same, she could sense people aboard them, and they all felt familiar. Definitely not droids, the Force didn't allow her to sense droids.

    Looking at his comm, Anakin punched in a code. "This is Gold Leader to Home Base. Come in, Sakura."

    Miles away inside a gargantuan stone building, a mess of pink hair sat up on a bed. Sakura Haruno, a ninja assigned to assist Ahsoka and Anakin, picked up her comm unit and talked into it. "Yes Gold Leader, this is Home Base. What's the status?"

    "All clear. Classes can proceed as normal."

    Sakura smiled with relief. "Thank you, Master Skywalker. I'll alert the Headmaster." She hung up and looked at the other two occupants of the room, a black haired boy with thick eyebrows and a blonde boy with whisker-like marks on his face.

    "Hear that, Naruto? Master Anakin and Ahsoka have cleared us."
  2. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    The black haired, bushy eyebrowed youth that occupied the room with Sakura and Naruto- a hot-blooded Shinobi by the name of Rock Lee- passed the time before now by doing countless one-handed push-ups. To increase the difficulty, Lee weighed himself down by placing several cinder blocks on his back, stacking them up in a pyramid shape. Despite not being the one that Sakura addressed, Lee's perfectly round eyes were lit aflame with excitement when she told Naruto that they'd been cleared.
    "Profound excitement! I will report to Guy-Sensei right away to inform him that there are no threatening individuals on the horizon!" Lee exclaimed, saying very little using far too many words. Following his statement, Lee pushed upward one final time, hard enough to send the cinder blocks off of his back and into the air before charging out of the room, barely standing all the way up. The cinder blocks then fell to the ground, landing perfectly back into the pyramid formation they had been in moments before.


    Alone not far from his home, a young man by the name of Terra was just finishing a training session where he practiced the use of his weapon, a special sword known as a Keyblade. Terra's Keyblade was unique to him and his strengths, going by the name Earthshaker as a reference to Terra's natural affinity with physical strength and Earth magic.
    Using a small beacon given to him by his master, Eraqus, Terra was able to transform a small section of land around him into a closed-off training ground with artificial beasts to practice on. The beacon itself was stuck in the ground in the center of the area, as the beacon was projecting the area into the world. Having just finished his training, however, Terra removed the beacon from the ground. This caused the false training ground to disappear, returning him to the real world.
    "That should do it for today. Time for a little R&R." Terra thought aloud as he dismissed his Keyblade, causing it to fade from existence. As he began to walk home, Terra sensed...something. It was faint, so much so that Terra could hardly tell if it was a real sense or just his imagination. Whatever the case, it wasn't a good feeling.
    "I...I must be tired. Guess I trained a little too hard today." He mumbled as he continued home, keeping his guard up as he walked.
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