Stargate Season Finalies (Spoilers)

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Xegreny, Jun 21, 2007.

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  1. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Ugh. I just watched SGA: Sunday on my TiVo. TT^TT Caarrrssonn!!! *emo*

    That episode fails for killing off my favorite charachter >:l

    Anyway! On topic! Who's excited for the Finalies tomarrow? I know I am. Though i already know how Atlantis ends T_T. But SG-1s looked cool. Does anyone else think that Seasons 9 and 10 couldnt hold a candle to the rest of the seasons. The Ori were just ridiculous. The Gould and the Replicators were more realistic foes.
    Cameron Mitchell was okay. But no one can suprass O'niell. As for Atlantis, I thought Season 3 was a total win. Cept the Episode Sunday. Poor Carson. TT_TT
  2. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    It's Goa'uld and I agree. Yeah, it's sad they killed Carson, but they said he'll be back somehow. =) I met David Hewlett at Cinequest! :D Ok, now Jade Rhade will beat me to death with her spoonsaber for bragging again. By the way, he told me to call him David! :p

    *Brag Alert*
  3. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007


    ...................................................................................... o.o

    SOOOO LUUUCKKYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T


    Anyway, SG-1s episode was ok. Though i though it was cruel that they chopped 50 years of Teal'c s life but they'll resolve it in the Movie later.
  4. Yagaskardig Merlin's Housekeeper

    I agree, Go'uld were mor realistic and the Cute little Replicators were to. I hate the Ori though. All they are is some freaks with Tatoos, the Asgeard are cooler. I can only watch Season 10 on my Ipod so yeah, I'm downloading the Sereis Finally.

    O'Neill was the best, he's funny, hopefully he'll be in the Finally.
  5. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Well, There should be a movie to wrap up Season 10. Or atleast thats what ive heard. >.>
  6. Yagaskardig Merlin's Housekeeper

    I only saw an Episdoe, IT WAS CRAPPY! No Jack in it...TT.TT. If that is the final thing of SG-1, I am severly disapponited at that episode. And the Series, that had a good plot to keep going on, but they had just to end it.
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