V2: ^Part of me says that the splatters didn´t matched this style =/^ Maded it with a clouds (BG) stock, a render and lots of filters and adjustements layers. Too, some part of the left and right wings is covered a little with the clouds stock, I thought it would help the blending. CnC please?.
I agree that it looks a bit plain but it's still very nice. I think you should try to apply the background on the rite wing a little more onto the left side so it looks a bit 'even' if u no wat I mean. Otherwise, its gd.
Dude. This **** is HAWT. I'm loving the flow here. I always adore angelic themes. Clouds and sh!t=+1 The splatters one owns dude. I really can't say **** except that it's one of your best tbh.
That pwns so much. If I knew what it was about, I'd use it, but...whatever. Great job.:guiltygearXpc37:
Thanks, and there was another effect, but as almost always, I screwed something XD. Thanks ^^. Megaman Starforce: Pegasus, the name of the game, and I recommend you to not use it without my permission, have you ever heard the phrase: You rip, you R.I.P."? :P Like I said there was another effect but I screwed it. Thanks for the CnC ^^.
I used the same one of the tutorial since I don´t have clouds stocks, I am sure it doesn´t counts as ripping since I only used the same stock.