Some pretty interesting news here. Starbucks serves alcohol! Source: Los Angeles Times Date of Publication: 1/24/2012
Stardust is not of age for that yet. >> I hear coffee helps negate some effects of alcohol(at least if there's caffeine). So maybe Stardust[/stirke] Starbucks is trying to double their revenue. Either way, that's odd. Only came here for the title of the thread though so I don't have anymore to say.
ALL OF THE DOUBLE TAKES. I think I reread it like 10 times...just to confirm that it said Stardust. xD You guys in the staff know exactly what you're doing, keep it up. *cough* As to provide use in this post: I'm actually quite confused by this, Starbucks is about severing coffee...not cold ones. Plus starbucks can be a grab and go type place, you can't really grab alcohol and drive off. Also just realized that if they were to incorporate this into the Starbucks I applied for they'd have to raise the age limit of Barista(which ironically means bartender..) I think.. I just can't see this as a great idea, if you want wine or beer it be better to go to a bar or other generic place that specializes in it. You don't go to a bar to get coffee, so I can't see going to a coffee shop for booze.
So many typos in this thread, tis simply appalling. Not sure how well Starbucks or Stardust would do serving alcohol. I mean, Starbucks is a coffee shop, not an alcoholic place. That would be like having jet fuel avaliable at gas stations. It's not too farfetched, but it's not particularly appropriate.
FULL ROUND OF DRINKS ON THE HOUSE except I'm underage and I kind of dislike alcohol lol But in all seriousness... lol. I think it's an interesting choice, particularly because alcohol is a depressant and caffeine is a stimulant... I remember reading that it was really dangerous to drink alcohol with, say, Red Bull. I guess the difference is here is the lack of taurine and less caffeine, though -- people drink stuff like rum and coca cola all the time, after all. I know the intention is not to put the alcohol in the coffee, but it's just funny how they're polar opposites and yet Starbucks will be stocking alcohol xD. But that being said, I think it'll be awkward going to a coffee shop like Starbucks and seeing people drinking. Coffee shops are well known for their laid back/relaxed atmosphere, and while Starbucks claims that the aim is to enhance that, something like that could also damage it imo. I guess only time will tell. ...Fixing the title now, lol.