Found this on IGN a few minutes ago Is anyone else looking forward to this game, and if so for which system? My system preference for this game will probably be the 360 over the wii, even if there is a lightsaber version for the Wii.
I can imagine a hillarious way of dooing Lightsaber throw, but you might need a new wiimote. And a TV.
Eh, I'm only interested in how the environment is so intuned and so influenced by the Force. ...that and abusing the Force on random enemies. Why else would you want to play this game?
Im looking forward to this game,they did amazing on the reactions with the stormtroopers,the environments could give any star wars fanboy a wetdream too.Im looking forward to this on the 360 as well.
Can't wait, but I'm also pissed as all hell because I'll have no time to play it because of DAMN AP Chem that year.
Ya this game looks awsome. All i have is a Wii so ill get that version even tho the Xbox and Ps3 versions look better
This looks like an amazing game. I'll probably try out both PS3 and Wii versions, to see if there's a significant difference... Gamefly ftw.
Only problem is that the Wii, PS2 (is it going to be on PS2?), PSP and DS versions don't have the insane physics engine the PS3 and Xbox360 versions have.
The Wii and ps2 version have extra levels, though. I'm gonna get it for 360 and then my friend with a ps3 is gonna buy it and we're going to beat it on both systems to see which one it's better on.
I've been waiting for this game for a little over a year...a remember one of the concept ideas was originally about a "super" wookie but George Lucas didn't like it because wookie's can't talk and it would get boring. So he wanted a game that had Vader and the developers were like, "What if Vader had a secret apprentice?" GL liked the idea and now we have one of the best Star Wars games ever created by man kind (hopefully). I just want the saber combat to be as good or better than Revenge of the Sith (best saber combat ever). Although the fighting system kind of reminds me of Assassin's Creed because (I think I remember hearing this) you would hold down a button for stronger attacks and tap it for faster, weaker attacks. But at least you can fuse force powers with each other and your saber. Yay!!! Still...this is old news for me.
the announcement they made tonight was to explain the 'breaking' news that Darth Vader will be playable...for the first level, then after that they remained mum. Apparently the first level takes place right after episode 3 ends, on Kasyakk where the secret apprentice is found.
The only thing new that I saw...well is actual Vader gameplay. Otherwise it was just old news...still Vader looks awesome!