staltrae's story, i want to know if i should continue or just drop it....

Discussion in 'Archives' started by dandanrevolutionextreme, May 22, 2007.

  1. dandanrevolutionextreme Banned

    Feb 11, 2007
    under the sky so blue....
    staltrae's statistics(sorry, it's kind of long):​

    Name: staltrae


    Alias: N/A

    Series:custom kingdom hearts character

    Apperence: somewhat short. black hair, desheveled. brown eyes, almost hazel, green shirt, black camouflage pants.

    Weapons:frostbite keyblade( see description here: here!!!!, remember to scroll down, its somewhere in the middle.)

    Special Abilities:
    kingdom hearts I:
    -ars arcanum,
    -trinity limit,
    -sonic blade,
    -strike raid.

    kingdom hearts com:
    -mega flare,
    -gifted miracle,

    kingdom hearts 2:
    -guard break,
    -aerial finish,
    -magnet splash,
    -glide lvl. MAX,
    -aerial dodge lvl. MAX,
    -quick run lvl. MAX,
    -high jump lvl. MAX.

    Summon/Transform: has final form, limit form, and ancient form.

    ancient form:
    -looks similar to e.s. from kh2fm+....
    -only one attack.
    -drive bar cost: all
    -after attacking once, exits form

    Limit Breaks:

    -trinity limit(kingdom hearts one edition) (cost: 10 bars of magic)-powers up keyblade then jams it into the ground and turns. creats ball of pure light above head. ball is too powerful for its own good and emits a slight amount of its power, because of this, the ball cant stop emitting power. destroys all enemies

    -forsaken holiness (cost: 10 bars of magic) -casts holy on himself without dealing any damage to himself or his partners, beam of light slowly spreads to fill current room. every enemy that toches beam takes 7 bars of health of total life left.


    -art of the ancients(only move that can be done while in ancient form, activated by attaking) -


    -health is fully restored(upon form activation)

    -mp is fully restored, (upon form activation)

    -strength and magic strength are doubled until damage is taken(upon form activation)

    -glows bright yellow with invulnerability(upon attack activation)

    -performs ars arcanum, followed by ragnorok, followed by trinity limit(kingdom hearts one edition) (no magic cost)


    grew up in the future, a desolate wasteland planet, war torn and reduced to rubble. evil dictator rules the planet throwing any one who defys him into jail. staltrae leeds the rebellion against him. being in this situation has made him very hard core. he seeks help from the past in order to overthrow the monarchy.

    -hp, 300(kingdom hearts one battle system)
    -mp, 30 bars(kingdom hearts one battle system)
    -drive bar, 10 bars(kingdom hearts 2 battle system)
    -strength, 100
    -defense, 100


    letsarta (anagram for staltrae)

    silver in color, tail and wings are black, arms and legs are white


    -heals staltrae when needed,
    -gives bonus' to combos and limits done by staltrae,
    -merges with staltrae for final and ancient form

    Staltrae's story:​

    In his neverending quest to find a way back to the future, he finds sora, donald, and goofy. They seem to be chasing a dog, staltrae finds no importance in it, and just keeps walking away from the road that they were running on. Around 12 hours later, from the horizon, he sees sora at the crossroads, twisting his head as if looking for something. Staltrae walks over to see what was wrong.
    "What's wrong, lose your dog?" Staltrae asks.
    "Not exactly, yes I lost pluto, but he's not what I'm currently looking for,"
    "So, what are you looking for?"
    "A man in a black cloak."
    "Ya know I saw a guy in a black cloak as I walked over here," staltrae lifts his arm, and points down one of the roads, "he went that way, maybe I should I go with you, I have a lot of skills you might need...."