Ok Advice is need here people.. One of my friends want to help get over my stage fright but they thing, I can't get over it. At the end of the school year, we have our third annual Talent Show and she wants to sing for the talent show but I'm scared they everyone will compare me to this other girl in my class who stared in our Christmas musical as the main character. I really want to take this big step in my life but I just can't. I was thinking that maybe you guys can help me with this and give me some advice. Every time I get up on stage, I feel like I'm gonna get sick and run off the stage. Singing is really hard to do in front of your entire school. So can you try and help me.. PLEASE!! And sorry if this thread is the wrong place..
I always blush, yet I don't have stage fright really :\ It depends if you're like me and your idols are your favorite band members, if you are like me, then just pretend you are your favorite member of a band that sings, but just sing differant lines, and imagine how cool you must look, or you could be like, "Look at all of these worthless, waste of space, peices of sh*t. I'll grant them the honor of watching me preform, just so they know that I'm totally kick ass."
My friend tells me that all the time but...it makes my feel..I can't think of the right word. This one time My best friend said that I am a goof singer but I would make the her top chart lost in her own little head. When she said that, It made feel worst now than I did then. The only song I can sing is Hero by NickleBack and she said that I shouldn't sing a guy song cause it make my look stupid. Now I'm not all that sure if I want to take this step in my life anymore..my mind keeps telling that I should...
What people need to do is think of what they are going to say, sing, or do next. That takes your concentration on the fear and changes it into REAL concentration. I use this technique all the time.
It's a difficult thing to do, going on stage. Simply committing yourself to doing it is the first step. But even more importantly, you have to give it your all. When some people get nervous, they often become self-conscious, and will sing really quietly, and when you do that, your voice generally cracks, or goes off key. It makes people in the audience think "well if they don't like being on stage, then why are they up there?" It may be hard for you to sing loudly when you are feeling nervous, but just remember that you are going to look ten times worse if you lack confidence. And don't worry about what your friend said; that you should only sing songs that were originally sung by women. Sing whatever you want, but instead of copying the way their voice sounds, make it your own by singing in a pitch that compliments your voice. I have faith in you. Knock their f***ing socks off!
That's what I was starting to think... The thing is..I never has the strength to go up on stage and sing because of the other girl who is ten times better than I am. Every time she sings, I amkes me feel bad every time while everyone is like "Wow! she's great." O my head, I'm like " I wish I was up there." The only time I sing is when I'm playing Rock Band or Sing Star. This one time I was laying Rock my mom was "I wish we had a full band." When I heard my mom say that, I grabbed the mic and sang. That's the only time I sing in front of people.
I love that song. Utada Hikaru is a really good song writer. But the thing I can hit the hight notes when she says "Hold me Whatever lies beyond this morning Is a little later on" The rest I can do flat.
Misha don't worry, I'll be with you all the way. I know you'll do great and you have an amazing voice. Just think of Ar Tonelico and you are singing for peace. And don't worry about Matty, I'll take care of him if he makes fun of you. Simple and Clean is a good choice too. All you need if practice to hit the high notes and soon enough, your voice will break through the high. And besides, you almost sound exactly like Utada Hikaru. All you have too do is believe in yourself. And if the Ar Tonelico thing doesn't work, Just pretend your singing with J.J, Your favorite idol.
Well, it's easy after some practice. See, I use to get all sweaty and shaking. And people could SO tell that I was freaking. xDD What you should do, is take every change you get to stand in front of your class mates. Take deeps breaths, and close your eyes if you have to. Standing in front of a small class would be a better thing to do, start small, okay. Stand and read up in front, or walk up and ask to take the attendance. It'll be easier for you. And then when the big day comes, just breath like I said before. You can sing with your eyes shut if you get to nervous. But You shouldn't think negatively, don't think about what they think of you. That's bad, BAD! xD You'll be fine, take it easy and you'll be okay. :3