Help Staff member roles

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by wakingleaf, Oct 24, 2007.

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  1. wakingleaf Traverse Town Homebody

    I think I've found an answer to problems encountered by new users.

    Staff Members, put your roles in here so new members know who to PM.

    Role: (ex. editor)
    Description: (ex. make posts and threads clear)

    Domain: (ex. Mish - holidays/events)

    Topics you know about: (ex. vid login problems, news)

    Also applies to members who have been on the forums long enough to know what problems are and solutions.

    --- some of you staff did say what your roles are(Mish),
    but the rest of you didn't in the staff section
    of the forum.
    The moderators did.

    Description of administrators and super moderators then.
  2. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    There is a thing where if you go to the the top and click on the banner, and then scroll down that page to the bottom, click on forum leaders.

    Info right there.

    And then the staff profiles :/

    And why is this in forum assistance? Wouldnt this be in suggestions????
  3. wakingleaf Traverse Town Homebody

    Try moving it then.
  4. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
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