Hmm this is rather interesting. I'm glad that whenever I do end up getting it, I'll have the choice between the 3DS and iOS
Played the 3DS version, beat it in a week with all the extra songs. Yeah... I will just cry if they lower the price on the iOS version compared to teh 3DS version. It would be a rip off really.
Well damn. Looks like i'll be buying it again. Seems like what the Giantbomb Cast said a while ago about a iOS port was right on the money.
My parents are pretty mad right now. They saw this and got upset that they spent $40 on a game that others are buying for free, lol. Anyway, i downloaded it, and i like it. It runs a little slow though.
I've been playing it on my 4S and it works pretty well. Already spent about £15 on extra songs. I'm hooked all over again. I love the quest medley option. I also kinda prefer the streamlining of the character abilities.