Square-Enix's TGS 2007 List

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Sep 3, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Square-Enix has recently updated their site today, with a list of games they plan on showing at TGS 2007.

    Now it should be noted that even though Kingdom Hearts isn't on the list, it doesn't mean it will not show up there. Square-Enix always gives off surprises for new projects! They're even bringing back a game (Tobal) that was made over 10 years ago, that just shows how many surprises they have! Plus Tetsuya Nomura has already confirmed Kingdom Hearts to appear at TGS 2007

    For those that do not know, the Tokyo Game Show will be on September the 21st - 23rd 2007, in Tokyo. To learn more information go here.


    Dragon Quest IV (DS)
    Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon (Wii)
    Final Fantasy IV (DS)
    Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (DS)
    Crisis Core FFVII (PSP)
    Final Fantasy CC: Ring of Fates (DS)
    DS Style (DS)
    Dragon Quest Mobile (mobile)
    Ganmoba Comics (mobile)
    Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode (mobile)
    Before Crisis Final Fantasy VII (mobile)
    Monotone (mobile)
    Tobal M (mobile)
    Makai Toushi Saga (mobile)
    Chocobo de Mobile (mobile)

    Video Only
    Final Fantasy XI Wings of the Goddess (multi)
    Last Remnant (PS3, X360)
    Dragon Quest IX (DS)
    Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII (PS3, cell)
    Dissidia Final Fantasy (PSP)
    Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete (Blu-ray)

    Kids Corner
    Dragon Quest Monsters Battle Road (arcade)
    Dragon Quest Monsters Joker (DS)
    Slime Mori Mori Dragon Quest 2 (DS)

    Square-Enix Official TGS Site
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Sep 3, 2007.

    1. GhettoXemnas
      ZOMG! ~Crisis Core~

      I'm going there just to steal all thier FF related stuff!
    2. Alpha Sonix
      Alpha Sonix
      I'm gonna get a PSP and DS, hopefully I'll have them, I want all of them, except the mobile ones, I can't be bothered.
    3. willi_211191
      whoa! Crisis Core! damn... I want to go to the TGS so bad!! ive never been on one before... *stares at list* OMG! Final Fantasy XIII!! this years TGS seems to be awesome!
    4. Knightshade
      oh just so everyone knows I saw on a g4 commercail that they will be having a episode about what happens at the tgs. I think it said it would be on the 23-24?
    5. Thebazilly
      Is G4 going to cover TGS?
    6. kitty_mckechnie
      Their fairly milking FFVII at the TGS.

      And Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII... o.O
    7. Knightshade
      Yeah they will be...
    8. Noise
      i wish i could go....>_<

      is someone going to be relaying information to us? about how it is?


      edit: lol nevermind my question was answerd
    9. Hakurei Reimu
      Hakurei Reimu
      Nothin KH relate. *sigh* oh well, at least crisis core is there...
    10. Majik
      no final fantasy versus XIII =(
      final fantasy XII =((((
    11. Sophia_Esteed061289
      The bad news - no KH stuff.
      The worse news - no more tidbits on the new Star Ocean projects. T____T As well as no more info on that Parasite Eve mobile game *remake for PSP pl0x. My mobiles don't support the game's format!!*
      The good news - We FINALLY see Before Crisis *and possible news of its rumored PSP remake, which I hope can also be applied to DoC:Lost Episode*, more of Dissidia and DQ9, maybe FFXIII too~
      Even BETTER news - we see the 100% complete Crisis Core, and see progress on FFIV DS, DQIV DS, and FFTA2....it's a matter of time before they hit NA shores *I'm hoping by December 07*
    12. no-reality_allowed
      Xaldin just said that SE always has little surprises at TGS and Tetsuya Nomura already confirmed about KH being there :\

      I'm only interest in CC:FF and hopefully they'll show some XIII ^-^
      btw, when is TGS o.O
    13. Alpha Sonix
      Alpha Sonix
      It is there, Final Fantasy XIII for PS3, Final Fantasy Vs XIII for PS3 and Final Fantasy Agito XIII for Mobile make the Fabula Nova Crystallis series.
    14. [Total.Chaos]
      I'll presume that this is where America will finally get a confirmation about Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ will be released or not released to America and other countries?
    15. DarkRyan75
      I bet we'll get KH info. Plus, as much as I want to get Crisis Core, why are you all excited about playing it there? I mean, it comes out the 13th, before TGS takes place.

      ...DISSIDIA. I am happy.

      ...Has it really been a year since we found out about KHFM+? Really? It feels like atleast a month or two ago, but a year?
    16. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      How can we watch or see the TGS this year?
      I mean.. you all are talking about g4 or what not.
      I have no idea what that is.
      And I have no idea how to watch TGS.
      And I reallllyyyy want to see the KH stuff thats going to be aired..
      Just like Nomura stated and confirmed that it was going to be.

      Any answers?
      Im too anxious for KH!!!
    17. horrormovies