Square-Enix Store Opened!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Aug 21, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey everyone, it seems just recently Square-Enix has opened up their Store in America! The store already shows a variety of Kingdom Hearts Figurines, including Sora's Limit Form from Final Mix+! Be sure to check them all out, and even order some if you're feeling up to it.

    To visit Kingdom Heart's section of Square-Enix's Store click Here.

    Thanks to Kairi Li for the heads up.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Aug 21, 2007.

    1. kitty_mckechnie
      I've already got my Sora figures in. ^^

      I'm just waiting for my Wisdom form now. :D
    2. libregkd
    3. Poki#3
      Interesting... they have Limit Form figures, though that form is de facto still only canon in Japan :P
      I hope that's a good sign...

      I'm still waiting for an European shop (and it has to ship to Poland, witch unfortunately isn't that obvious :/)... We only have some scam warnings... what for? There's no shop!

      PS: On www.square-enix-shop.com the NA shop is still "Coming Soon". Nothing like cooperation ;]
    4. kitty_mckechnie
      Yeah, i wish they would more Org.XIII figures, perhaps even a riku one... ^^
    5. Gravity
      Oh finally...it took them long enough!

      Oh well, thanks Xaldin. I'll be sure to add them to my christmas list.

      EDIT: Where are all the Zexion plushies? T.T
    6. Autipooh626
      Where's the Namine figures& other plushies like the SORA 1?????
    7. Doukuro
      yeah that will be nice
    8. Bou
      Thanks Xaldin, I'll consider getting some figures but I might wait and see what else they're coming out with. I'm hoping some clothes will be released soon. Thanks again.
    9. xemnasfan
      i was wondering what final form would look like, kinda dissapointed but i'm sure it would be hard to get the weapons to be behind him like they are suppose to.

      i agree with libregkd, where is xemnas and the rest, axel is to popular and xemnas gets the short end of the stick to often.
    10. Noise
      cool!! cool!!! cool!!!!!

    11. Gravity

      What did they do with all the plushies? T.T

      Reason # 678,596 for why I like Anime Cons: They have all kinds of stuff that the online stores don't.

      I got a really nice keyblade necklace last year for twenty bucks...and online they cost two or three times as much...and they don't look as nice.
    12. Rosey
      It took them long enough -.-

      But they dont have everything!

      Where are the Other organization members?
    13. keybladeofdarkness4
      why dont they make all the Organization XIII members into figures?
    14. Scarred Nobody
    15. Rosey
      Stop freakin bumping all of the old threads >:O
    16. GhettoXemnas
    17. keybladeofdarkness4
    18. Repliku
      Thanks for the link to the store. I added it to my bookmarks to remind myself. I browsed through it and am a bit frowny at the selection right now but hope that they will get more stuff on the site. Also, I hope they do add more things in particular such as the rest of the Organization and Riku! I don't get why there isn't at least a Riku figure, which I ranted about already in another forum. I'd also hope they'd get more things for the other Final Fantasies and games Square-Enix has. The only other gripe I have is that the stuff seems more expensive than what I can get on Ebay. It will be a great place though if they get more stuff.