Square-Enix Currently Hiring for KH3

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Meilin Lee, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Square-Enix has recently updated their job listings page, listing 14 positions specifically related to the development of Kingdom Hearts III, ranging from working on the UI, the UE4 engine, cutscenes, and even minigames. The open positions available (where all but one are located in Osaka) are listed below:

    Credit to Goldpanner of KHInsider for the translated job summaries.
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Meilin Lee, Jan 22, 2015.

    1. Karuta
      And people thought Kingdom Hearts III was coming out this year...
    2. Plums
      Yeah, it's definitely not coming out within the next year or two. I will say that the mention of online in the listings is really interesting: perhaps we'll finally get some sort of console multiplayer?
    3. Sennitz
      If they need someone to bring them coffee, I think I can apply to the job (?
    4. Iskandar
      Everyone, let's take a crash course in all we need to know for this stuff and get these job positions in only 1 month!! Well, that is, if someone has a way to warp space and time and let us do years worth of lessons in only a few days.

      Interesting that so many openings are up though. I would have thought they'd have a full team filled up and working on this by now
    5. AzzyFox
      Oh, so the "Now in development" that we got in 2013 actually meant "We won't be hiring a team for another couple years." Right.
    6. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      No. They've already got a team. It just means they need additional help now that they got their UE4 engine up and running.
    7. DualBladeRoxas
      T_T I'm too late. Needed to be born a few years earlier. I've always wanted to get into game programming but alas, I'm only a Junior in high school with only a year's worth of experience Visual Basic, C++, and currently a semester in AP Java. I would have absolutely LOVED to work on the game programming if I knew how it worked. (Right now I can't even figure out why my stupid GIF won't upload -_-')
      Last edited: Jan 25, 2015
    8. Miles
      not good. I dont know why they dont get the original team tokyo to make it after they are done with FF15.
    9. Allen Tor
      Allen Tor
      I second this notion. Everyone on this site will learn how to make games over the course of the next month, then we will all fly to japan and perform a hostile takeover of- I mean get hired at- Square Enix and the next Kingdom Hearts game will be made by the greatest KH fansite in existence! Now quickly, everyone to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber!
    10. Ienzo
      That is quite a lot of openings, well I'm just glad they are finding more help if they need it, hopefully means a faster release date. I thought it was too hopeful for a 2015 release but I at least hope that we get some form of announcement about it this year.