Or use the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXYmXn452Ow&feature=related I love Bentley!! He is a overgrown walking dictionary!
I love the games All of them in the Ps1 (I couldn't beat the third one though) Ps1 games > Most of the good graphics PS2 and PS3 games
The PS1 games were awesome soley for the amazing gameplay and simple storyline. A Hero's Tail and the one before it sucked worse than the American port of Doki Doki Panic, AKA Super Mario Bros 2. However, the Legend of Spyro games have a more mature plotline with slightly less gripping gameplay. All of the handheld ones were okay except for Spyro Orange which was driven too much by mini games. Thus, the Spyro series is clearly the most experimented with series of all time.
Shhh be quite IDK before the video game company sends out it's bounty hunters on you for knowing that the game sucks!
AH OMG! I love that little dragon. :3 He makes my heart smile. Ryptos rage was always my favorite. Did anyone know supposedly there's going to be a movie? You speak the truth oh, wise one. Srsly I played an old 101 dalmations game for the ps1, funnest stuff ever!