Spybot won't run?

Discussion in 'Technology' started by Boy Wonder, Jun 6, 2009.

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  1. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    It won't start, run, open, whatever. I've clicked it, right clicked and opened it, but I get nothing. Nothing happens whatsoever. My mouse will get the little working in the background hourglass after clicking it, but only for a second and nothing happens.

    I've tried it in safe mode and regular, nothing at all.
    It's a fairly old computer, but it runs XP.
    I've guessed it's some kind of trojan/virus/spyware/etc. any idea how to get rid of it?

    My computer will has been freezing lately so I know I need to run some kind of virus removal, but spybot is all I got until I get my new computer. When it freezes, I can still move the mouse, the keyboard still changes from Numlock or Caplock and if I have Media Player running, the song continues (although after the song is over, the next song won't play.)
    If I move my mouse on the taskbar, nothing happens. Everything stays frozen. If I move it to the open window, it turns into an hourglass. I've never seen a comptuer freeze like that...
  2. Toshi Banned

    Apr 27, 2007
    About spybot. Have you tried uninstalling it and then installing it again? This solution works for most programs that have these kinds of problems.
    Now, you say your computer is probably infected. You can use Avast! to get rid of the viruses, and then use Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware to finish off some nasty malware. Avast! is free, but malwarebytes' anti-malware isn't, if you don't register the program the only thing it can do is just scan your pc, not remove the malware. So if you want any serial to register the program, let me know privately, before you install the program though!!! (It's a little tricky)
    I would also suggest that you defragment your computer. Power Defragmenter (free) does a very good job, if you don't want to use the normal windows defragmenting software. And I would also suggest running a scan for registry errors. CCleaner is a good program for this job, and is also ideal for overall computer maintenance.
    And last but not least, you could cleaN the inside of your computer, the dust might be the problem.
  3. Repliku Chaser

    You can get Avast! and/or AVG the free version. You may have to, as the person above mentioned, uninstall and reinstall Spybot for it to take. See if any of these assist you and let us know.
  4. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    When was the last time you updated Spybot? I update it once a week myself, and always manually. You may have missed an update or a new version of the program in the last update.

    I second the Avast! movement previously mentioned, but if you don't mind shelling out the cash Malwarebytes is very effective.
  5. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Alright, I downloaded Avast and set it up.
    I'll use the CCcleaner and the Defragmentor after I reinstall Spybot.
    But first I want Avast to scan my computer. For the boot scan, when the menu pops up (Pres 1,2,3, to delete, delete all, etc.) What is it deleteing/repairing? It doesn't say
  6. Toshi Banned

    Apr 27, 2007
    Delete: deleted the infected file, along with the virus
    Repair: Tries to repair the the infected file, meaning tries to remove the virus without deleting the infected file
    Quarantine: It keeps the infected file an a safe place, where it cannot harm the computer.
    I'm not sure what delete all does, but probably it deletes the file along with any previous files that have been detected previously.
    I suggest first trying to repair the infected files, and if it does not work, then quarantine them because they might be important system files. If they are just some of your documents then you can delete them, as it won't damage the stability of your computer.
  7. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Avast deleted some files, trojans, etc. and spybot started running again.
    I used spybot to delete a virus and my computer hasn't frozen yet.

    Thanks, you're all gods
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