Spiral: New Beginnings

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by ♦Demon♥Angel♦, Jul 21, 2010.

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  1. ♦Demon♥Angel♦ Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 26, 2008
    <<insert witty comment here>>
    Fate played out it's story,and things have endd the way it has. But wha if God was killed at the Devil's hands instead of the other way around? Now Yaiba Mizushiro is still ruler of 'Knights', and other's fates as been changed. The Blade Childern are desperatly seeking redemption from the one known as their 'father'. Is Ayumu Narumi up for the challage of defeating both the Devil's or is he going to slink back into his dispair and grief.

    1) Dispite the fact that just about everybody is reall smart and godly good at something or another....no godmodding.
    2)at lest get involed in something, nd if you are going t be somewhere without connection to the interenet,tell me so I'll know.
    3)Up to at least three chararcters. (including ocs as well).
    4)You need permission to kill someones character(s).
    5)No usig your charcter to make fun of someone else's character only cuase they ar who they are ( ido understand if your characters just don't get along though.)
    6) No action (me: *blushes* I-I didn't mean it...*looks away*) use lit (I blushed and looked away. "I-I didn't mean it..." I mumbled to myself.)
    7) At least 3 sentences (small paragraph). you can write more just not a small novel.

    Main characters:
    Ayumu Narumi-
    Hiyono Yuizaki-
    Hizumi Mizushiro- ♦Demon♥Angel♦
    Yaiba Mizushiro-
    Madoka Haneoka- ♦Demon♥Angel♦
    Suemaru Wataya-

    Blade Childern:
    Eyes Rutherford-
    Kanon Hilbert- ♦Demon♥Ange♦
    Kousuke Asazuki-
    Rio Takeuchi-
    Ryoko Takamachi-
    Sayoko Shiranagatani-

    none at the moment

    none at the moment

    Kirie Tsuchiya
    Keishisei Kanzaka

    OC Layout
    character name:
    Blade child (y/n):
    watcher, hunter, savior (if you are either and jsut a person who got caught in all this just but none):

    Note: There are several changes to Spiral as well. Since Kiyotaka Narumi died, Madoka never married (how Ayumu lives with her I have on idea just go with it) Kirie was orignally a watcher butchange of events put her as a hunter.
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