Mental Help. A couple months back, I vowed that I hated Google. Really, the only reason I felt this way was because of their plan of a tier-based internet, where they teamed up with Verizon. So I tried to distance myself from Google as much as possible. Everyone else loves it though, and Google is all over the internet, so that's a hard thing to do. Plus, since I don't have a phone, I still use Google Voice to text. Google Chrome is my favorite browser, but I don't use it because it's made by Google. I think Android phones are pretty cool, but I'd never buy one because of Google. I know that all companies have to make money, which is why Google did what they did with that Googlezon plan, so should I just accept Google? Or should I hold my ground because I have a reason to hate Google and the evil superpower they might one day become?
I was seriously considering boycotting Google in the same manner as you have been just a week or so ago, when I found out what was happening to YouTube Groups. But I thought about it and realized just how many important things on the internet Google controls. They are literally already an internet superpower, and there's little I can do to avoid it. Plus, even moving to avoid most of their stuff will only make things more painful for you personally -- I doubt many others will follow unless you know a lot of other people already vocal about their hatred for Google. My recommendation is to just accept it. You can accept it begrudgingly and you can still complain all you want, perhaps inspire others to voice their complaints like you. But the executives at Google themselves don't seem to listen.
I'll accept it tentatively, but if Google turns out to try to take over the world and stalk everyone I'll be the one saying "I told ya so" But I'm still not gonna use gmail B|
and yet there is nothing wrong with google whatsoever. i think you should just use google like the rest of the internet.
Just make sure you have a banned of Zombies sitting right there with you in case you have another mental breakdown with this... You can find them on Google.
Duh. Internet boycotts and other movements, even ones that seem entirely useless, always work. Didn't you hear about how the Facebook Cartoon Character Campaign put an end to child abuse? Totally legit stuff right there.