oHH u bETT i aM.aND bY tHE wAY i lOVE tHAT pICTRUE. oHH aND i mENT tHIS tEXT wAY. I have a signature but how do i make it show up?
It appears we have a fellow Hunger games fan! WOO! Welcome! Spoiler [video=youtube;HoHfCW-O2yA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoHfCW-O2yA[/video]
Lol thanks for noticing (---->) 0.0 (<---- why i don't know).Anyway I loved the song its so hilarious.So again I say Anyway my moto is "We Got Hunger For Life" Or "Hunger for Games" anyway i don't know what the hell I'm talking about now >.< I have no idea,it started as a spam thread but whatever so maybe yeah?
... I actually like that sig. I am impressed. Who made it? By the way sorry I don't know how to quote Well for all you need to know is that no one on this site made it ;)
Yeah I like your sig as well :3 If you want to know how to quote then just click on the "reply with quote" button and the bottom right hand side of a person's post under their signature. :D
A spam thread, wheres my food? Goes great in a sandwich but bad in forums, yeah...so what if i eat S.tupid P.ointless A.nnoying M.essages